Monday, August 8, 2011

First Chapter Paragraph (s) Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). This week's selection has been getting some amazing reviews.
Ann Napollitano
" The peacocks tilted their heads back and bellowed and hollered their desires into the night.  They snapped their shimmering tails open and shut like fans.  Behind each males pointy head, a green-bronze arch unfurled, covered with a halo of gazing suns.  The females brayed and shook their less-attractive tails in return.
" The birds didn't care that it was the middle of the night, and they didn't care who they were disturbing. They didn't care that there was a wedding tomorrow, or that the groom, who had just arrived from New York City, was lying beneath a lace canopy at his in-laws' house, paralyzed with fear.  They didn't care that his fiancee startled awake in the next room and toppled out of her high bed, and they certainly didn't care that the rest of the small Georgia town was also awake twitching in their beds like beached fish."
 What are your thoughts about these (2) opening paragraphs?

(A fictionalized story about author Flannery O'Connor)


  1. Oh, the secrets that lie beneath those lace canopies in southern towns. I'd keep reading.
    Here's Mine

  2. Oh my goodness, I want to read the book. My library doesn't own it. Must make a plan to get the book. Wonderful writing. Thanx for sharing. Lately, I'm enjoying books taking place in the South.

  3. This sounds amazing -- adding it to my TBR list!

  4. I am biased because I read (and reviewed) this book and loved it! I like re-reading the opening paragraph, it's cool to see how it relates to the book now that I know the story.
    Incidentally, I hd no idea how loud peacocks are, wow!

    I hope you likie this book Diane!

  5. You know, once when we were in my Uncle's house in a village...we saw a peacock jump from the roof of his house. I was so excited to see one - just walking around in there backyard and moving on to other places - it is a regular thing there, it seems :)

    Those paras are intriguing. I hope the rest of the book is as good.

  6. I would definitely keep reading. Enticing beginning.

  7. Truth is, I would have wanted to read this one no matter what the opening paragraph was! I am just really excited about this book!

  8. I have wanted to participate in this meme for a while and so I have!

    I hope you like my selection!

    Amy's First Chapter Paragraps!

  9. Sounds like I'm going to like both the story and the author's style...another for my TBR list.


  10. twitching in their beds like beached fish?

    here's mine there is also a teaser that fits in great with the 1st paragraph

  11. I've heard so many good things about this book. I hope it's as good as the first two paragraphs.

  12. I like it! (Peacocks are incredibly noisy, they have to be heard to be believed).
    Looking forward to reading your review.

    This is mine:

  13. I brought this home from the library yesterday.

    Here is my Tuesday offering.

  14. This book is on the list, thanks for another great read.

  15. I'd keep reading, especially if the book's about Flannery O'Connor!

  16. This paragraph would have hooked me right away. I would wonder why the town couldn't sleep and they were twitching in their beds. Curious!

  17. What an attractive cover! And that paragraph sounds good too! Will be waiting for your review.

  18. Yes, I would probably keep reading, sounds quite tempting.

  19. This sounds great to me! I'd definitely continue.

    I'm starting The Death of Ivan Ilych today:

  20. Yup … I would definitely want to read on.

  21. I'm liking the sound of this..why is everyone awake????

  22. I just finished it and really liked it a lot.

    It was a good story and had echos of O'Connor throughout.


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