Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Snapshot ~ Shades of Red

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.
Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.
This Week's Theme.....

Shades of Red
Male - House Finch 
(Finally found something squirrels hate)
Safflower seeds
Female Cardinal
Nervous Birds have never seen these at the feeder

Can anyone identify my deck plant? 
Trumpet Plant?? Climber, red, it's an annual


  1. I love birds - I have a mass of feeders all over my yard but have barely filled them the past couple of years as the neighbor lady likes stray cats and has about ten (no exaggeration.

    I started to feel like an accomplis to a crime when I would "lure" my pretty birds in with the feed and the cats would get them while they were pecking at the seed that fell to the ground.

  2. Love these bird shots! It's like they are posing for you!

  3. I love that you have a color theme for your photos this week so that they all tie in together, beautiful stuff!

  4. More birds - so pretty! I'm never patient enough for pictures of birds.

    My Snapshot is here.

  5. what beautiful pictures!
    here is my snapshot

  6. I love seeing photos of birds - and those are completely new to me - so different from the birds that come to our garden.

    I hope Hurricane Irene gives you a wide berth!

  7. Wish we had beautiful cardinals in our area--really enjoy your pix of them.

    I can only identify your plant as pretty-pretty--a luscious color!

  8. I always have trouble distinguishing the finches from the female cardinals! I bet the male cardinals don't have any trouble!

  9. Pretty! Mrs. Cardinal posed for you. They are so skittish and shy.

    Not only do squirrels dislike the safflower but the large greedy birds such as Grackles and Starlings won't eat it either.

  10. Beautiful. I've begun to recognize some bird calls around my yard this year.

  11. Nice photos, Diane. I don't know what flower that is but I love the colors.

  12. Oh, I love your color-themed presentations! Red is an awesome color. Love them all.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  13. May you, Mr. Diane, and all the beautiful birds, flowers, and small creatures make it through Irene with just a little rain.

    Are your books in a safe place?

  14. Your red fires me up. I've had an awful day and your red seems very soothing some how. Thankx

  15. Funny, now that you mention it I only see cardinals eating on the ground under my feeders. I wonder if they don't like feeders or just don't like mine. Great pictures!

  16. I'm helpless with identifying plants, but those are beautiful! Nice bird photos too!

  17. Stunning photos, I especially love the red ones. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Very nice pictures. I like how there is at least a little bit of read in each one.

    Here's mine:

  19. I hope things are ok for you in your part of the States.

  20. I do love your red theme this week.

    The bird is so beautiful and the flower with no name :)


  21. I'm not sure but your flowers could be poppies. It's a little hard to tell if they have 4 petals or not but I think poppies have those little green thingies (technical botanical talk) in the middle. Stay safe from Irene!

  22. what wonderful pictures! i absolutely love them all!

  23. You are learning birds. Obviously only Kaye is familiar with plants but the red flowers are lovely. I didn't realize squirrels don't like safflower seeds. Wonder if deer like them - probably do. They eat everything.

  24. Nicely done. I like the red theme of the post.


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