Monday, September 5, 2011

Mailbox Monday - September 5

In September, Mailbox Monday is hosted by: Amused By Books. Bloggers get to share the books that arrived by mail during the previous week.
Here's a peek at my week for new books!


  1. Well done on your reads - hope you have time to enjoy them this week :)

  2. Please share any tips gleaned from the Kitchen Counter book (some of us are cooking impaired LOL).

    Happy Labor Day Diane!

  3. Nice selection of books! Hope you enjoy them all. The Night Strangers piques my curiosity, as does Loose Diamonds.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. That's about as diverse as a mailbox can get. I hope you enjoy all your new reads, Diane.

  5. What a great mailbox Diane. They are pretty much all new to me titles. Can't wait to hear what you think of the kitchen counter book.

  6. Those all look very good, and I am more than curious about a lot of them. I hope that you enjoy them all though, and I look forward to seeing what you think!

  7. A nice assortment. You always have such interesting books. The Kitchen Cooking School sounds like a winner to me.

  8. These all look very good! The Cooking School really appeals to me. I'll keep an eye out for your thoughts on it.

  9. Oh I am totally eying the Kitchen Counter Cooking School. I hope it's great! Enjoy all of your new reads.

  10. How did I miss The Night Strangers on Vine? I'm jealous of that one! Enjoy!

  11. Kitchen Counter Cooking School sounds yummy!

  12. I love the doggy on Following Atticus. Atticus is also a fave name Atticus Finch - a man with the belief that justice be for all.

  13. I would love the Kitchen Counter book. I love to cook but I really enjoy it once the weather finally starts to cool. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  14. oooh, a new Chris Bohjalian -- I didn't realize that! Enjoy!

  15. I totally need Following Atticus! We have two miniature schnauzers here but they are more apt to bask in a sunbeam amongst my mountains of books than to climb mountains themselves. LOL!

  16. Fun! I hope you especially the new Bohjalian--I know he's one of your favorites!

  17. The Kitchen Counter caught my eye. I have not heard of the others. I hope you enjoy all of them!

  18. A few of these have caught my eye but I really enjoy Bohjalian. I'll be watching for your review of that one. Happy Labor Day Reading!

  19. Some great books, Diane! Happy Reading!

  20. I am excited to read The Night Stranger. Enjoy your books!

  21. I still have yet to read anything by Chris Bohjalian, but I really want to. I hope this new one is good!

  22. The Night Strangers sounds intriguing. Awaiting your review.

  23. I'm excited to read the Kitchen book, as a new cook (attempting anyway)... everything is helpful.

    I hope you had a wonderful long weekend.

    Have a great week!

  24. So looking forward to THE NIGHT STRANGERS!

  25. I received Night Strangers from NetGalley..can't wait to read it! Enjoy your great looking books!

  26. I can't wait to hear what you think about The Night Strangers. Happy reading!

  27. great books you got this with. I'm curious to see what you think about the kitchen counter book and the atticus one. hope you enjoy them all though!

  28. These all look great, but The Night Strangers is definitely one I have my eye on! Looking forward to your opinion on it! Enjoy all of the lovely new reads!


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