Saturday, September 24, 2011

Saturday Snapshots

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.
Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online. 
CLICK on Photos to Enlarge

Squirrels hate these seeds ~ chipmunks aren't as fussy!
(safflower seeds)

The male house finch thinks, "Lucky me - It's full again"


  1. Nice shot of the finch!! He's a beauty. Have a good weekend, Diane.

  2. I really need to put a bird feeder in the back of my house. The new place has a great screened in back porch and I can sit out there and read all day. Would be nice to have some birds to watch as well.

  3. Loved the pictures! I like watching birds eating seeds. In my previous house, I used to feed doves. Here there is no apace to do that!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  4. Sneaky chipmunk! I have two feeders and just love to watch the birds.

  5. Hehehe! I get squirrels on my feeders, but never a chipmunk. Great shots!

  6. Were you lying in wait for the chipmunk and the finch? I love chipmunks but we have very few in our neighborhood. Good think since we have so many cats.Here's My Saturday Snapshot

  7. Yes, it's fun to imagine what they're thinking as they ponder the goodies.

    Great shots! Thanks for sharing.


  8. Chipmuncks are so cute that it hard to get mad at them!

  9. Those little guys are adorable and I would love the chance to see more birds and furries at my place! Great photos!

  10. Great close-up of the finch!

    I haven't had a chipmunk on the safflower feeder yet but they sit under it all day and stuff their cheeks with the seeds the finches drop.

  11. Oh, Diane, that little chipmunk is so cute. Well, maybe not so cute if you don't want him eating your birdseed.

  12. Great shots of both the chipmunk and the finch.

  13. Those are great. I tried a birdfeeder a while back, but all I got were the neighborhood cats hanging out!

    My Saturday Snapshot

  14. I bet the chipmunk is just thrilled that the squirrels aren't there! :)

  15. The chipmunk is very cute! Squirrels are a nuisance when it comes to bird feeders.

    I love the photo of the finch. I had no idea those birds hace red heads.

  16. Darling little finch! A seed that squirrels don't eat! I'll have to remember that since they constantly raid our bird feeders!


  17. Great shots! I love watching animals eat at feeders. I find it so fascinating to watch.

  18. Yup, it's that time again. That finch is so pretty with its red hood!

  19. I've noticed a lot of chipmunks scooting through our yard in the past few weeks. Must be building reserves for the winter. Nice pics, Diane.

  20. Love your photos - I wanted to get my bird feeder out and never did this year...

  21. I don't think I've ever seen a chipmunk on a bird feeder before. Great pictures!

    Here's mine:

  22. Aw! I don't think I've ever seen a chimpmunk before.

    Say, how do you tell a male finch from a female finch? :p

  23. Fantastic viewing in your yard! Our bird feeders are all empty right now and I can't seem to find any time to fill them...

  24. Is there anything in the world cuter than a chipmunk? I think not!

  25. Love the attitude of the finch! It fits the caption.

    Check out my Ireland posts whilst I am in England. Back mid October.

  26. Such a gorgeous chipmunk, and an interesting finch.

  27. I love that chipmunk! Since we own dogs I haven't seen a squirrel or a chipmunk in almost 12 years!

  28. That chipmunk's so cute, it would be hard to get mad at him.

  29. Chipmunks are so cute. It is easy to get annoyed at a squirrel but not a chipmunk!

  30. I used to love the chipmunks around our house, but now that we have cats hanging around, they've apparently gone looking for a safer place to live.

  31. Have you really found something that squirrels don't eat. Hmm...we might actually be able to have a feeder in the yard now. I wonder if rats like safflower seeds. That can be an issue here in DC.


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