Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Snapshots

Saturday Snapshot

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

The sign read, "No Photos Please", but hey, it's not like I have the talent to make these.

These wind chimes would look great on the porch of a beach cottage, IMO.


  1. The blue ones in the top photo are my favorite. I just love blue glass. Not sure I'd want bottles as my windchimes. Weird that you weren't supposed to take photos. People need to get over themselves. Here's Mine

  2. I wonder how they'd hold up in a strong wind?

  3. Looks like the makings for more mermaid tears if a strong shore breeze kicked in! Don't you love finding mermaid tears in the surf?

    I love the blue glass ...

  4. I do love wind chimes...I once saw a movie with a porch literally covered in various wind chimes. These are intriguing and lovely. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Ha! What a great idea. Now I know what to do with all those empties *coughcough*

  6. I like windchimes too, but with the famous wind in Wyoming, they would not survive. Pretty though. Oh, and I remember that movie too, Laurel, though I cannot remember the title. It was a very "steamy, sexy" movie as I remember. Starring William Hurt. "sigh"

  7. They are beautiful and fragile. Great wind chimes.

  8. Hmmmm but run like hell if there is a major storm lol

  9. Grammajudyb and Cat Chat make good'd need a place to hang them with just enough wind to chime but not enough wind to crack.

    And as far as the "No Pictures" thing goes...if I made things, I'd be more than happy for people to take pictures. Especially if they were going to post them where I might get free advertising!

    Here's my Snapshot.

  10. Clever idea! I agree, the chimes made from bottles would be perfect for a beach house.
    My Saturday Snapshot

  11. cool idea, and they look so pretty :D

  12. I'm not crazy about the bottle chimes but the pretty glass cups and plates recycled this way really float my boat. Then again I'm a blue glass fanatic - I love Susan's phrase 'mermaid tears' about the glass we find in the surf.

  13. Very unique wind chimes!

    I wonder why they didn't want you to take photos? A picture would not be enough to show me how to make them either.

  14. With the bottles and chimes different?

    Simply unique and interesting.

  15. Wind chime? What an interesting idea! They should encourage photo-taking, don't you think?

  16. I love the first one... but would it be to fragile as a windchime in high winds? I would be so worried about them breaking...Thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. Recycling glass and making art is a great idea, and photographing it is also.

  18. I don't get the whole no photography thing. Most people aren't going to try to reproduce things, just celebrate it.

  19. I'm not a fan of the "no photos" thing. Really what's the point? The windchimes are very unusual! I've never seen anything like it before.

  20. Beautiful! I could never make anything like that either :)

    Hope you are enjoying the lovely weekend -


    Book By Book

  21. I really like the ones in the top picture. I've noticed those no photo signs as well.

  22. Really interesting chimes, I've never quite seen the like.
    I have enough bottles laying around here to make a few of these -- thing is, my greater "talent" seems to be just drinking the contents!

  23. Very cool chimes! I would worry about the bottles breaking too in our Texas wind!

  24. I like the top ones the best. The blue one puts me in mind of a jellyfish.

  25. I like wind chimes, but I'm not too sure I would put the bottles outside my door. Well, maybe!

  26. Hi Diane,

    The two blue chimes in your top picture would be the only ones that I would give houseroom to, but they seem totally impractical to me ... far to heavy to hang and much too prone to getting smashed in a high wind!

    Personally, I just can't stand the noise the darned things make!!

    Fun picture though!


  27. I'd think the bottles would make for some pretty noisy chimes!

  28. Hmmm, I'm thinking that top picture is doable - if I can find a drill bit that won't shatter the glass. Now that could be a trick!

  29. Fraternities should make these and sell them to raise funds. I imagine they have much of the raw materials needed for that last one!!!

  30. I would worry about the wind issue as well. I think these would have to be placed in an enclosed porch etc or there would be one big mess to clean up with high wind.

    Jenners idea for fraternity fund raisers made me chuckle.

  31. These guys would not survive in windy Santa Clarita but I like the enclosed porch/beach cottage idea.


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