Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday Snapshots - Showers Brings Flowers - June 8, 2013

Alyce at At Home With Books has decided to take a break from blogging and from hosting Saturday Snapshot. We will miss her, but all of us understand a need to step back, regroup, and prioritize one's life. We hope to see her back soon. Saturday Snapshot is now hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy while Alyce is away.
To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken then leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky (at West Metro Mommy). Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.

We've had a  lot of rain lately -- seems worth it when I look at these

 Purchased a new orchid (2) weeks ago and so far it's doing great

If you look closely on the orange sections, you might notice some butterflies


  1. Oh, very pretty, Diane! I think your flowers are a little bit ahead of mine - something to look forward to.

  2. Beautiful! I have always loved gardens, but don't have a green all! Pooh.

    Thanks for sharing yours, though; and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  3. I love your combination of the purple flowers with the daisies- just gorgeous. As is your orchid. Such a glorious colour.

  4. Ahhhh! Love the butterflies - how fun!

  5. It's been raining like crazy here too and I am pretty much over it. Do you have a greenhouse?

  6. My grass is super green because of all the rain we've been getting. Such beautiful pics! I also bought an orchid and it sits on my kitchen table and makes me smile everyday.

  7. Our grass is growing too fast to keep up with. Looks like a jungle out there. I love daisies but some have come up in the wrong places here so I had to mow some down. When I've tried transplanting them, they have died. Your orchid is beautiful.

  8. These are just beautiful and I didn't know about orange sections to attract butterflies...Wonderful!

  9. Beautiful colors!! This is such a pretty time of year. I got a new orchid this week, but it's not doing quite as well as yours.

  10. Great pics, Diane. Love the butterflies!!

  11. I love orchids, but I've never had luck growing them. Yours looks gorgeous!

  12. Your flowers are lovely. We've had a burst of growth here too with all the rain.

  13. It apparently rained a lot while we were gone. My garden definitely needs some tidying.

    I love your purple spiky flowers.

    Joy's Book Blog

  14. Oh, how beautiful! Your flowers (and home) are very lovely.

  15. I really like your flower photo, will all those lovely daisy flowers.

  16. What gorgeous color on those orchids--lovely!

  17. How very pretty! I love the vibrancy of the flowers in the first picture!

  18. Gorgeous flowers!!

    Our spring blooms are all gone now - I would really love to plant some summer bloomers - just need to find the time and energy :)


    Book By Book

    Big Book Summer Challenge

  19. Such beautiful blooms! We just planted some roses a month ago and I love seeing the new flowers in our yard.

  20. Beautiful flowers! I don't have a green thumb inside or out, but I do love flowers.

  21. Looks like a colorful, peaceful place to spend summer. Here's Mine

  22. Do you get orioles at all???? I will have to try that for the butterflies too!!!

  23. Your flowers and orchid are beautiful! Have a great week, Diane!

  24. Look at all your lovely flowers! We've has lots of rain, now it looks like we'll get some sun this week. Hopefully it means lots of flowers for us too!

  25. Beautiful! I especially like the first photo. The colors are amazing! :)

    We've had plenty of rain too, one day of sun and back to rain again. Ugh. I want to be outside!

  26. Gorgeous photos Diane! Gage is very into purple these days so that means I'm into it too :)


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