Tuesday, June 16, 2015

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Glaciers; Alexis M Smith

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where I share the first paragraph or (a few) of a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. Honestly, it's the pretty cover that attracted me to this one.

Glaciers; Alexis M. Smith
Tin House Books - 2012


"Isabel often thinks of Amsterdam, though she has never been there, and probably never will go.

As a child in a small town on Cook Inlet in Alaska, she saw volcanoes erupting, whales migrating, and icebergs looming at sea before she ever saw a skyscraper or what could properly be called architecture.  She was nine years old, on a trip to her aunt's with her mother and sister, the first time she visited a real metropolis: Seattle.  She took it all in--the towering buildings and industrial warehouses, the train tracks and bridges, the sidewalk cafes and neighborhood shops, and the skylike along Highway 99, the way the city seemed to rise right up out of Elliot Bay, mirroring the Olympic Mountains across the sound.  The breadth and the details overwhelmed her, but soon she loved the city the same way she loved the landscape of the old nprth. Old churches were grand and solemn, just like glaciers, and dilapitated houses filled her with the same sense of sadness as a stand of leafless winter  trees."

What do you think? Keep Reading or move on to something else?
(feel free to join in by posting a link to you intro below)


  1. That is a great cover, and the author painted vivid scenes with her words...I definitely would keep reading.

    1. I did enjoy how descriptive the writing was. Hope to read it over the weekend.

  2. This sounds like a delightful book -- especially since I live in the Seattle area. Love the description in the opening.

    1. Sandra --would love to visit Seattle sometime....on a sunny day:)

  3. Replies
    1. Freda...I came across this one accidently ---very slim book.

    2. I am so enamored by the dress of newspapers on the cover. I wonder how the cover and story fit.

  4. What a beautiful description to open this book - I hope you enjoy it!

  5. I'd probably move on simply because I left Seattle two years ago and I don't miss it at all. Hope you enjoy it though.

    1. Ohh too bad Suzie. I'd love to visit Seattle, but think I'd find all the gray skys and rain too depressing after a while.

  6. The opening attracts my imagination, never having seen either glaciers or been to Alaska or Seattle - I'd read on. And I'm wondering where Amsterdam fits into the story?

  7. I like the opening enough to keep reading at least a little more -- I'm not completely hooked yet but I too am curious about the Amsterdam connection.

  8. I haven't heard of this book, but like the opening enough to continue. Wonder what it will be about...

  9. Love the descriptive writing, but I'd want to know a little more about the book before I commit to it!

  10. I love the beginning! And the cover is indeed beautiful. The description of Seattle is wonderful. Yes, I'd keep reading.

  11. I love the cover and the setting of Seattle, so I'd keep reading!

  12. I'd keep reading...Seattle and Alaska bring back nice memories for me.

  13. I love that cover! And I like the intro you shared. I remember the first time I saw a skyscraper.

  14. Wow. Wonder how it will relate back to Amsterdam. And how does that cover fit in? Curious. Here's Mine

  15. Been to Amsterdam a lot of times :) but sadly this doesn't look like a book for me, hope you enjoy it anyway :D

  16. Definitely would! I love the cover and also stories set in the Pacific NW and Alaska are right up my alley. Maybe because it is a part of the country I haven't gotten to yet, so I need to read about it. Hope you enjoy it.

  17. I'm not sure - I think I'd have to read a bit more before I made up my mind


  18. Great first paragraph. Right away I could identify with the young girl seeing Seattle for the first time. I'd keep reading.

  19. That intro was so good and I would read on too!

  20. I don't know if I'd keep reading this one but I sure do like the cover.


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