Sunday, October 28, 2018

Sight; Jessie Greengrass

TITLE: Sight
AUTHOR: Jessie Greengrass
PUB. YEAR: 2018
RATING: 2/5 stars

I not sure what I was expecting when I decided to read this brief novel (less than 200 pages), but I can honestly say, it just was not my "cup of tea".

An unnamed narrator is expecting her second child and spends a great deal of time obsessing about everything: her first born growing up and away from her, her mother's death when she 20, the father who left her, a less than sensitive psychoanalyst grandmother and more.

I found the stream of consciousness writing style was somewhat off putting; the thoughts jump from one worried thought to another. There are lots of heavy themes in this short novel as well. Sorry I just can't recommend this one, it's depressing.


  1. I can see how the stream of consciousness can be off putting. Sorry you didn't like this one, but looking at the bright side of things, you have had a few good reads in a row lately. :-)

    1. Yes, Carmen, I just finished another that I LOVED (no review yet). I guess they can't all be winners.

  2. Diane, I appreciate your honest review. The cover of this book is intriguing. I hope the next book you read is more to your liking.

  3. Heavy thoughts continuously is very tough.

  4. Sounds like the main character was depressed herself.

  5. It will take a certain mind frame and patience.


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