Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Evvie Drake Starts Over - Linda Holmes

TITLE: Evvie Drake Starts Over
AUTHOR:  Linda Holmes
PUBLISHER:  Ballantine
PUB. YEAR: 2019
FORMAT:  - ARC/Audio (Combo)
RATING - 4/5

Evvie Drake is a 30-something widow who lives in a small town in Maine. Everyone who knows her feels bad that her husband has died in an automobile accident. What they don't realize is that instead of sadness she's feeling guilt. Her husband died on the very day that she had packed her bags and planned to leave him for good. No one, including her late husband, knew of her plan.

Now she's stuck and rarely leaves her house. Evvie hadn't even told her good friend Andy what she had been planning.  Now Andy has two good friends in need of help, Evvie and also Dean, a former has-been major league baseball star that lives n New York and is looking for a new start. Andy suggests that Evvie rent out a small apartment that is part of her house for the extra income.  She is apprehensive to say the least, realizing that she is a hot mess but, the extra money would help so she decides to go along with the idea.

Predictably, as the two get to know one another they help each other to heal from old wounds and disappointments.

Romantic comedies are not generally my thing but, I was looking for something light and fun and this one definitely fit the bill.  It's pretty evident early on how this one will turn out but, the characters were fun, made me laugh at times and they became ones I grew to care about as well.   This was a combo print and audio read for me: Julia Whalen was the audio book narrator, she did a terrific job.  A nice light choice for summer reading.


  1. I liked the audio too. It was fun.

  2. This sounds like it might be too light and fluffy, but maybe it's a good choice for a summer audio. I'll keep it in mind.

  3. I like Julia Whalen as a narrator, so I'll keep this one in mind.

  4. That one sounds like a pretty good story.

  5. This sounds like fun. The narrator and setting are pluses, too.

  6. A romantic comedy that gets 4/5 stars must be darn good.

  7. Sometimes knowing how it will turn out in a romantic comedy is just perfect. Sounds like it would make a cute movie.

  8. Looks like perfect summer reading.

  9. I think the audio sounds fun, I'll try to get it at the library.


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