Saturday, June 22, 2019

No Exit; Taylor Adams

TITLE: No Exit
AUTHOR:  Taylor Adams
PUBLISHER:  William Morrow
PUB. YEAR: 2019
SETTING: Colorado
FORMAT:  - eGalley
RATING - 4/5

When Darby Thorne learns that her mother is dying of pancreatic cancer and needs immediate surgery she heads out from Colorado where she is a college student to Utah for what might be one last visit.  One the way Darby is caught in a blizzard with a broken windshield wiper and no snow tires, so before long she is forced to pull off at a remote rest stop.

Her cellphone battery is low, she forgot her charger in her dorm and the cell service in the area is basically non existent. At the rest stop are (4) other individuals: (3 men and 1 other woman).  All are forced to wait out the storm until morning when the plows can get through.  If things can't seem to get any worst for Darby, she discovers a little girl, duct taped and caged in one of the vans in the parking lot.   The girl has obviously been kidnapped and Darby is determined to free her and get help.  Just who is the kidnapper and who can she trust?

While being stranded in a snowstorm and remote rest stops are hardly new plot devices for a thriller, the author does a very good job creating one nail-biting moment after another with a considerable amount of violence as well. The story is told mostly through Darby's POV and she has plenty of her own emotional baggage. This is a story that hooked me despite some implausible scenarios.  Jay, the 6 year old victim who was way too wise for her age and Darby at times seemed to have super human strength.  Despite these flaws, this was a good quick read that seems like it would make a great movie. 


  1. This would be a really tense movie! I liked the book, too and it kept me reading.

  2. I agree with Helen. This has all the makings of the kind of movie the great director Alfred Hitchcock was making in and around the 1960s. Sounds like a real nail biter.

  3. Sometimes those implausible scenes bother me and sometimes they don't.

  4. I think this might actually be too intense for me! Maybe because of the young child.

  5. I've been hearing mostly good comments about this one. I ought to try it this summer as part of my annual 'read cold books in summer' quest. Ha!

  6. I read this one during my break from blogging earlier. I didn't review it but mine would sound about the same as yours- the victim was way too advanced for her age. I found this story to be ultra-creepy, but I got hooked and read it long into the night. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  7. This was a great read to suck you in. The kid was a little ahead of her time but I've met kids like that so I didn't think much of it. And yes, some parts I figured out but I was still riveted. I think it was optioned for a movie.

  8. Sounds brutal but in a good way. The beginning of your review reminded me of a couple scenes in Educated, the blizzard and all.

  9. This sounds like a page turner! I'm glad you enjoyed it, Diane.

  10. I really enjoyed this one; so much action and suspense!

  11. You liked this one a lot better than I did. I was intrigued by the premise, but the plot just got so graphic and violent, not to mention highly implausible. It actually made me feel sick to my stomach. In the end, I just didn't like it much. Glad you did, though!

  12. I've seen this everywhere and been intrigued. I need something like this right now!


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