Tuesday, March 3, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Animalkind; Ingrid Newkirk & Gene Stone

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter 
First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s)
 of a book that they are reading or plan to read. Here's my pick for this week:

Ingrid Newkirk & Gene Stone 
Simon & Schuster - 2020


The dog who jumps for joy when you come home. The emperor penguin guarding his child through a subzero blizzard. The dolphin smiling at us from the water. The sleepy  cat's purr of contentment. The manta's rays intricate underwater ballets. The lark's exquisite song. Animals delight, fascinate, and enrich human lives and thoughts everyday of the year.

I'm a sucker for books about animals. How about you, read more or pass?


  1. I would keep reading...I love picturing the animals doing their thing! Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  2. We like books about animals too and would read more even though that intro wasn't very exciting.

  3. Sounds perfect for animal lovers.

  4. LOVE this! I want it now, like right now! Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention :)

  5. I would definitely keep reading. I love books about animals.

  6. Some of my favorite books of all times were James Herriot's. It is wonderful to feel your heart lifted by a myriad of creatures.

  7. I'm not sure what the premise is based on this opening. I love animals and find them fascinating, but it's dangerous to anthropomorphize them. I think they should be protected and respected.

  8. I love petting animals rather than reading about them. But this does sound like a good read. Enjoy your hobby. Do let us know if some interesting things you have come across. Anything related to health us what I love to know about. Thanks for sharing.


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