Sunday, March 1, 2020

February Reading and Movies

Leaping ahead into March (can you believe it)? February found me watching several wonderful movies. (2) are Netflix movies and the others available "On Demand".  If you haven't seen these surprising gems, check them out.

Sadly, my choice of books in February failed to "wow" me for the most part. In fact, only (2) fiction books were decent reads for me. (I think I'll do better in March as the 2 books I've started are very good.) How was your month in books?

Books Read in February (7) YTD Totals (16)
  1. Mr. Nobody; Catherine Steadman - 3.5/5 (eGalley/February))
  2. The Woman in Cabin 10; Ruth Ware - 4/5 (audio/reread/book group/February)
  3. The Winters; Lisa Gabriele - 3/5 - (ARC/February)
  4. Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Blood Type Diet Solution - 5/5 (reread  2008/Feb)
  5. A Hundred Small Lessons; Ashley Hays - 3.5/5 (audio/February)
  6. The Last Time I Saw You; Liv Constantine - 4/5 (ARC/audio/February)
  7. Such a Fun Age; Kiley Reid - 3/5 (audio/February)

           Favorite (2) books of February

Currently Reading


  1. So far this year, I'm not being wowed by a lot of what I've read. :( I don't know if it's me or the books.

  2. Whew. I'm glad you enjoyed The Woman In Cabin 10, at least. :) I enjoyed it as well, although it didn't "wow" me either, but it was good.

  3. February wasn’t bad, I had three 5 star reads out of the 15 books I read.

    Wishing you a better reading week :)

  4. Last year I was very disappointed in the fiction I picked up. I ended up reading a lot of great nonfiction, but I didn't really like much of the new fiction. I'm finding that same pattern this year. I was looking forward to American Dirt, but when it arrived, I'd heard so much about it being more of a thriller than a book of literary fiction that I decided to pass on it. I haven't gotten around to a couple of books from last year that I think (fingers crossed) that I will like, especially the new Olive Kitteridge and the new book from Ann Patchett.

    It looks like your fiction year is going much the same way.

    Glad to see your movie year seems to be going well. I'm very interested in 1917 and Harriet and Just Mercy. Maybe in March.

  5. I saw 1917 & was pretty awed by the feel of it. I read Nothing More Dangerous and The Nickel Boys and liked them both. Hope you enjoy.

  6. 1917 is definitely on my 'to see' list. Had a pretty good reading month in February, four or five books were really excellent.

  7. We haven't seen any good movies on the TV lately, but we're still hopeful.

  8. I read Nothing More Dangerous in February and liked it quite a lot. I'll be interested to see what you think of it.

  9. You got a great pace going! Happy March!

  10. Oh, I hope you enjoy The Nickel Boys. I thought it was wonderful and so did my reading group. I am waiting for all the Oscar nominated movies I didn't see. Netflix has a waiting list on most of them but they will come eventually.

  11. Like you, I read a few ho-hum books (3/5 stars) but also read two that were very good. I'm glad I finally got around to reading The Snow Child and I was quite impressed with Things You Save in a Fire. I have The Nickel Boys in my stack for later this spring. Here's to a better month of great books!

  12. I recently got a copy of Nickel Boys and am looking forward to it. And I've written down the movies you watched so that I can (eventually) get to them. I will probably watch 1917 first.

  13. I've heard great things about 1917. I really enjoyed The Woman in Cabin 10. I've been disappointed by Ware's last few but that one definitely kept me listening. Glad you enjoyed it!

  14. I was looking back over my February reading for the past several years... pretty dismal, both in number and quality. Ties was my favorite this year, but not exactly an enjoyable read. Hope you're liking Nickel Boys.

  15. I don't think I've heard of 1917 so I just had to look it up. It sounds terrific so I'm adding it to my watchlist. Sounds like March is going to be a very good reading month for you!

  16. Haven't seen any of the films. I really should start posting about what I'm watching! And I loved all my reading, but most often this is the case.

  17. I do want to see several of those movies. I'm so behind on my Netflix queue...

  18. Those first two movies plus 1917 are of interest to me. I am reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith for a book discussion group, it is excellent. It is a novel that seems true.

  19. 1917 was so good! I hadn't heard of Mr Church before.


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