Tuesday, August 18, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - When I Was You; Amber Garza

Welcome to
 First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews. Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon.

When I Was You; Amber Garza
Mira - 2020

Chapter One

 It was a Monday morning in early October when I first heard about you. I was getting out of the shower when my phone rang.  After throwing on a robe and cinching it, I ran into my bedroom, snatching my cell off the nightstand.  Unknown number.

Normally I'd let those go. But I'd already run all the way in here, and I thought maybe it was a call from Dr, Hillerman's office.

"Hello? " I answered, breathless.  Goose bumps rose on my pale flesh, so I pulled the robe tighter around me,  My sopping wet hair dripped down my back.

"Is this Kelly Medina?"

Great, a salesperson. "Yes," I answered, wishing I hadn't picked up.

"Hi, Kelly, this is Nancy from Dr. Cramer's office. I'm calling to remind you of your well baby appointment this Friday at ten a.m."

"Well-baby"? I let out a surprised laugh. You're about nineteen years too late."

I just started this and was surprised how quickly I was hooked.  What do you think read more or pass?


  1. Uh, oh, now I have a creepy feeling. Definitely sounds like one for me. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  2. Quite an opening! I'm hooked, too!

  3. That's really strange, but strange enough to read some more and see what is going on!

  4. Oh, I think this one sounds intriguing or at least that first bit does. Might have to seek it out.

  5. I like the opening and I can see how you could get hooked quickly.

    1. It's excellent if you are looking for something addictive to read.

  6. I read this one and loved it! I hope you do too.

    1. I'm about 60% into it now and it's all starting to make sense...so good.

  7. My reply is off-topic:
    Have you read Elin Hilderbrand's The Perfect Couple.
    I'm listening to it now, while knitting. I'm really, really enjoying all the twists and turns. A little different for Hilderbrand. I want to recommend it to you if you haven't read it. A murder mystery, a family mystery, all on Nantucket. I'm finding it lots of pure FUN!

    1. Judith, I listened to that one and remember how much I liked it that it made me search more of her books.

  8. That's a great intro! I've been hearing good things about this one so definitely want to read.

  9. It takes a while to see where this is going; so good though.

  10. That's quite the opening! I would definitely read on.

  11. I'd certainly read on far enough to find out what was going on in that scene...couldn't stop right at that point. No way.

  12. Diane, this sounds like a gripping thriller!


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