Sunday, August 23, 2020

Week in Review

How was everyones week? The highlight of my week was having my children and grandchildren, my DIL over outside all at the same time. My SIL had a zoom meeting after work so couldn't make it (he was missed). We had pizza and salad, spread out the blankets and lawn chairs and caught up.  Although we've seen my son and his family since COVID, they hadn't visited since Christmas so this was pretty special.

I also got my haircut for the second time since February, another treat, I'm the first appointment with just me and stylist in salon and I was my hair before I arrive. I picked a few things up at the library. Great new system, curbside stopped but, you can call and they brown bag your items, check them out and leave then on 2-tables arranged alphabetically inside the main door - no contact whatsoever.  In-house browsing or use of computers is available by appointment in 45 min. blocks - haven't found a need to do that.

Our state is not fully reopened. Restaurants are curbside, outdoor dining or in some cases, indoor dining at 50% capacity to allow for social distancing. Bars (outside only) and movie theaters are still closed. Gyms are opened with lots of restrictions.

School openings vary in our state. All of the Catholic schools in our area are opening as they have room to spread out to allow for social distancing. My son lives in a very tiny town where the only school has just 12 students total in first and second grade. So my granddaughter will be starting out in the classroom/first grade.  My daughter's 2 girls (1st and 3rd grades) go to an older school with many more students so the only option until November is remote learning. Mom will be taking a LOA from her job to make this work for the family.  I feel so bad for all the parents struggling with educating their children in our new normal.

After some beautiful (no AC) weather, we are back to 90 degrees for a few days. In some ways I want fall weather yet emotionally I can't think about the holidays and the possibility of not having family together. 

Except for the DNC, I didn't watch much television last week. I was so moved by how well done and how inspirational the 4 days of the Democratic convention were.  I was in tears after the touching speech by the 13 year old, Brayden Harrington from NH who stuttered and was inspired by what Joe Biden had told him about himself.  No one is perfect but, I do long for compassion and decency for our country once again.
Exercise and other highlights…
Regular floor exercises most days. Most are leg strengthening exercises but also some yoga. No walks because of the knee and heat.
To Do List…
  • Staying home today: read, play cards, some television and prepare dinner. Got some beautiful fresh picked blueberries from my DIL so perhaps a blueberry buckle dessert.
Retail Therapy...

(2) new hot weather tops - 
Wish my arms looked                                                  like the models LOL


This week I finished - 
  • The Giver of Stars; Jojo Moyes (which I loved)
  • When I was You; Amber Garza (which I loved and need to review)
  • Night Swim; Megan Goldin - (very good and need to review)
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon. 


  1. That Covid thing is a real mess overall, our state has fooly reopened.

  2. I'm glad to hear that you and your family were able to get together for a real-life visit. That's the hardest thing for me right now...not seeing people I love. I don't even want to think about the upcoming holidays.

    School starts tomorrow here, but the first three weeks will be virtual. I can't imagine how they will be able to do face-to-face classes, but I guess we will see what happens. I'm sorry your daughter will have to sacrifice her work. That seems terribly unfair.

    Love the hot weather tops. I did a little clothing therapy this week, too. Getting a package in the mail is a delight.

    The convention makes me feel hopeful for the future. Please, please, let everything to smoothly in November.

  3. Yea for family gatherings! We need to be surrounded by our loved ones. It's good for the soul.

    The Giver of stars is a great read! So glad you also enjoyed it.

    Hope you will have a wonderful week.
    Elza Reads

  4. Family time has become even more precious to us this year, hasn't it? As have the simple pleasures like getting your hair done. We, too, watched and marveled at the Democratic convention last week. It made me very proud to be able to call myself a Democrat.

  5. No haircut for me yet. I missed my chance when we had a brief reopening. Probably just as well. Reading is the best thing in my life, but I also had a birthday and heard from EVERYONE! I might be coming to acceptance that I am getting old. Whatever.

  6. Sounds like a great week, Diane, all things considered. Maybe we are all finally learning to make the most of the curve ball that life has thrown us. Stay well.

  7. Night Swim is on my reading list for this week.
    I’m glad you got to spend some time with your family

    Wishing you a great reading week, and good weather so you can wear those pretty tops

  8. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I, too, watched a lot of TV but almost all of it was the DNC. I got pretty excited about our prospects. My daughter's cats are coming to my house for a few weeks next week. I am excited to meet them. My Sunday Post full of good news, and funny stuff

  9. I like both tops that you got! I, too, crave compassion from our government officials. The tough part will be waiting between November 3 and January 20 for the change (notice the optimism with that statement?)

  10. Diane,the DNC was inspirational and showcased two essential characteristics, compassion and competence. A blueberry buckle sounds fantastic. I only learned about buckle this summer. I'm glad you were able to get together with family, although in a different manner. Have a good week ahead!

  11. Our restaurants are only open for curbside/takeout and outdoor dining if they have the means to offer it. My hair appointment was cancelled since salons are closed again but I trimmed my own long layers and it came out great (so I've been told).

    Even though I am working from home and my daughter is doing school from home, it's beginning to feel more normal in a way. Not so jarring. I was exited to have a cooler day (95) but this week we are back to 103 most days. Honestly, we have probably most of September to get through before it get cooler.

  12. It is lovely to hear that you were able to actually have your family visit for the first time in a long time, as well as use the library too (our libraries are still not open here). I love the two new tops you purchased; nice colours & look like a nice fabric for the hot weather.

    It sounds like your week was a good one reading wise also - I hope that continues in to this week.

  13. I think I am about to find out what colour my hair really is. I can't go to the hairdresser for another month!

    Have a great week!


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