Thursday, January 28, 2021

Book Review - Every Vow You Break; Peter Swanson

TITLE/AUTHOR: Every Vow You Break; Peter Swanson

PUBLISHER: William Morrow


GENRE: Fiction / Thriller

FORMAT:  eGalley PP/LENGTH: 320 pp.

SOURCE:  Edelweiss

SETTING(s):  Maine

ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:  A new bride quickly learns that the perfect husband may not be as perfect as she thought.

BRIEF REVIEW:   Abigail Baskin is about to marry Silicon Valley millionaire Bruce Lamb but, a brief drunken fling with a man called Scottie, right before the wedding, threatens to ruin everything.  Scottie contacts Abigail before the wedding suggesting she cancel her wedding plans. However, just because she decides to go through with the wedding as planned, it doesn't mean her indiscretion won't come back to haunt her.  When husband Bruce surprises her with a honeymoon at a remote resort on an island in Maine,  a resort inhabited by primarily men, something doesn't feel right.  Her new husband seems to be acting differently as well and soon things go from bad to worst. Abigail will be lucky to get off the island alive.

First, Peter Swanson is a favorite author of mine and a master of fiction thrillers. His last book, Eight Perfect Murders, made my top 10 list for 2020. Unfortunately,  this one took a while for me to get into and I kept wondering where it was headed. This is one of those far out there thrillers that did not have one redeeming character and some implausible twists as well. I was actually quite disappointed in this one. 

RATING: 2.5/5


  1. Oh that's disappointing. It was on my radar but now, probably not.

    1. I know Mary, I do love this author but, maybe too rushed to produce these days.

  2. I can understand your reaction. Not one redeeming character is a tough call.

    1. Sure is - sometimes it works out if it is a compelling story.

  3. I've only read a couple by Swanson (The Kind Worth Killing is a favorite), but I'll pass on this one. Sorry it was disappointing.

  4. Oh, too bad this one didn't quite work. I liked the one book I read by him but haven't read this one of the one before this one. He seems to be coming out with books quickly. Maybe there is some pressure to produce before they are actually ready.

    1. Thanks what I think when authors have to commit to pushing out a book every year. Even Stephen King, IMO, had his best books earlier in his career with a few exceptions here and there.

  5. Even the general plot of this one sounds like another one authors overdid a long time ago. There are so many similar books out there, that it is getting harder and harder to find the more original ones anymore. Even major authors like Stephen King, in my opinion, have taken to writing variations on the same old themes in recent years.

    1. Yes, Sam, I guess after a while there are only so many story lines but, I really dislike a when the plot itself is too far out there.

  6. This one sounds like a downer and one that I will not regret missing!

  7. I think I'll pass on this one. I do want to read Peter Swanson but this doesn't sound like the book to start with.

    1. Eight Perfect Murders is so good and gives references to (8) other terrific murder mysteries.

  8. Eight Perfect Murders, especially the audio, was awesome.

  9. The whole 'island of men' is pretty sinister enough. I'm actually quite curious.

  10. What a bummer when a favorite author's latest book is a dud. Not sure if I'll check this one out but given that there are others of his I want to read then I can focus on those!


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