Tuesday, January 19, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Murder at the Vicarage; Agatha Christie


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon. 

                                                       Murder at the Vicarage; Agatha Christie
                                                      (#1 - Miss Marple - Harper 2011 edition)


"It is difficult to know quite where to begin this story, but I have fixed my choice on a certain Wednesday at luncheon at the Vicarage.  The conversation, though in the main irrelevant to the matter in hand, yet contained one or two suggestive incidents which influenced later developments.

I had just finished carving some boiled beef (remarkably tough by the way) and on resuming my seat I remarked, in a spirit most unbecoming to my cloth, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world at large  a service."

This year is going to be a year  that I delve into A.C. I hope to at least read the first books of each of her series. What do you think of this intro? Have you read this one?  Personally, I generally tend to love a first person POV.


  1. That's pretty good. We've never read anything by Agatha Christie.

  2. Now I am intrigued. I have been meaning to read these books! Maybe this year I can begin?

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Me too Laurel, I feel bad that I've only read a few of her books thus far.

  3. I love the intro, but then I love Agatha Christie's books. :-)

    1. Good to read Wendy, I want to read more of hers, it's been a long time goal.

  4. I love Agatha Christie--PBS had a show about her on Sunday. Such a talent!

    1. I bet that was an interesting show, I need to check if I can catch it at some point.

  5. I, too, like first person narratives and would keep reading. I think I've only read ONE book by Agatha Christie!

    1. I've only read a couple myself and hope to remedy that this year.

  6. Agatha Christie has never hooked me the way she does so many readers. But I like your challenge. It is like something I would do.

    1. I understand Judy, as I read a few but wasn't immediately drawn to the writing style. I want to try again.

  7. I like the kind of first person where the author talks to the reader in little asides like this one does.

  8. It's been so long since I read an Agatha Christie book. I really want to binge on her books when I have a chance. This looks like a good one.

  9. I reread this one recently and really enjoyed it! It probably isn't my favorite Miss Marple but any book with Miss Marple in it is better then a book without it!

    1. I'm glad that you are enjoying the Miss Marple series. It's because of you that I started with this offering.

  10. I absolutely 'loved' this one, and what a brilliant start, even mentioning how tough the beef was! LOL

  11. I haven't read many Agatha Christie titles but would love to read more. I would definitely continue reading this one and look forward to hearing what other titles you discover this year!


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