Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday - January 2021 - Mid Month Reading Update

Half of January is over and I've been listening to as little news as possible as it just makes me sad. Instead I've been immersing myself in good books, some really good books these last (2) weeks.  I've finished (5) books and 4 of the 5 were wonderful. I had (1) DNF as I'm just not going to continue reading anything that is not working for me any longer.  Here's what I read so far:


  1. Sleepless Nights; Elizabeth Hardwick (4.5/5) Settings: KY, NY, Maine, CT and Europe
  2. Those People; Louise Candlish (3.5/5) Setting: South London, U.K.
  3. Fifty Words for Rain; Asha Lemmie (4/5) Setting: Japan
  4. Monogamy; Sue Miller (5/5) Setting: MA and VT
  5. My Grandmother's Braid (4.5/5) Setting: Germany (no review yet)
  6. The Push; Ashley Audrain (in progress)

DNF (Because Life is Too Short to Read a Bad Book)
  1. Night Boat to Tangier; Kevin Barry - January (read 4 chapters and gave up)
  • Review - My Grandmother's Braid
  • Finish Listening to: The Push; A. Audrain
  • Read/Review (2) new children's books
  • Start: The first Agatha Christie book in the Miss Marple series: Murder at the Vicarage
  • Watch: the Inauguration on Wednesday
  • Start an eBook from my Kindle
  • Go for some walks if the weather and my knee cooperate
  • Continue healthy eating
                                                                      Deb@Reader Buzz

                                       How did the first (2) weeks of the New Year go for you?


  1. I chose The Push as one of my Book of the Month selections this time. Looking forward to your thoughts! Enjoy your week — I'll be watching the Inauguration as well.

  2. Added Sleepless Nights to my wish list. Those People is on my wish library at the library already.
    I had one DNF already this year. I agree, there are too many books to waste time on one if it isn't working.

  3. Great reading week, Diane. I'm especially interested in Sleepless Nights and Fifty Words for Rain. I've started off better this year than last year with my fiction reading, so I'm pleased, too.

    Walks are always nice. I'm not sure if I'd have made it through the last twelve months without daily walks.

    I am eager for the inauguration to take place. I am hoping that all the law enforcement people are busily watching those who are wanting to do more violence.

  4. love, love, love "make America KIND again"........we can only hope!!

  5. I finished my 5th book too, last night: Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy. Loved it. I am glad you liked Fifty Words for Rain and look forward to your review of My Grandmother's Braid.

  6. MAKA - very nice. I've enjoyed the books I've read, too. Reading and reading blogs has been very important to me. I can get lost in people's postings and forget for a minute.
    I really hope to write more about my books this year.

  7. I'm sorry you didn't like Night Boat to Tangier. I found it slow but ultimately liked it quite a bit. I've heard good things from several bloggers in addition to you about Monogamy and I'm adding it to my list.

  8. I need to just follow your example and stay out of the news. When I do that, I am much happier and can actually read books. That happened to me this weekend so we'll see how long it lasts. Have a great week, Diane!

  9. You're off to a great start... and good for you for DNFing books that aren't working. Why waste valuable reading time?! I started Monogamy a few months ago, but could tell I wasn't in the right mood at the time. Plan to get back to it sometime this year. Hope the weather cooperate for your walks... mine keep me sane.

  10. I am glad you reading year is off to a good start, Diane. I try to minimize my news intake, but I can't help but want to stay in touch to some degree. I will be curious to see what you think of Push when you finish it. Have a great week, Diane.

  11. Life is definitely too short to read bad books! I'm rereading the Miss Marple series now and am really enjoying it. I just finished the 3rd book. I hope you enjoy them! Have a great week!

  12. I always like to watch the inauguration and this time around I feel I am watching it to make sure he gets sworn in! I do hope there is no violence and that it all goes smoothly. I wonder where Trump will be during it all. Do we think he'll sneak out the night before?

  13. Oh, gosh, Diane--I loved Monogamy! What a wonderful reading *experience*.
    Will spend more time going over your recent reads soon. I'm so glad you're taking good care of yourself, as we all need to do now. Thinking of you often. Judith

  14. Love that mug! I'm hopeful for a calm inauguration on Wednesday. Unfortunately, my husband has a diabetes education class from 12:30 to 3:30, so we'll have to watch videos of the day's events later that evening. I so wish I could be home and watch it live, like I did when Obama was sworn in (both times). Those were such moving ceremonies!

  15. Books are better than news! :) Hope you have a great rest of January!!

  16. I'm half afraid to watch the inauguration. I was watching January 6 live with Gage :(

  17. You're off to a roaring start to this new year. I'm hoping it's better in every possible way because 2020 was draining on all of us, I think.

    Fran Lebowitz said in a documentary I recently watched that when she relegates a book to DNF status that the worst thing she can say about it is "I forgot I was reading it." She considers that to be the ultimate insult and judgement.

  18. I'm with you, if a book isn't working for me then I move on. Maybe one day I go back to it, maybe not but there are always lots of potential great reads ahead. And, love the cup!

  19. Yes! Make America Kind Again! This week -- we are ready for it! Can't wait. I'm curious what you think about The Push. Is it controversial? You are off to a good reading start. Enjoy.

  20. Glad that your reading got to a good start.
    Stay safe.

  21. My power came back on this morning so I was able to watch the inauguration. What a beautiful day. I am getting alerts that the power is about to be shut off again though. What country am I living in?? I really need power for the rest of the week or it will be very challenging to say the least.

  22. It's been a lovely reading week, you're right not to force yourself to read books that don't feel right. Enjoy your week ;)

  23. I have been off with book blogging since the start of the new year, and am just catching up with favourites now.

    What a good start to the reading year you've had - I hope it continues.

    There is so much going on worldwide right now, it is understandable to step away from the news and escape in to books. And with ratings such as the ones you've shared so far, books are a wonderful place to be!


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.