Tuesday, January 26, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Midnight Library, Matt Haig


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon.

                                                          The Midnight Library, Matt Haig
                                                                        Viking - 2020
The Man at the Door

"Twenty-seven hours before she decided to die,  Nora Seed sat on her dilapidated sofa scrolling through other people's happy lives, waiting for something to happen.  And then,  out of nowhere something did.

Someone, for whatever peculiar reason, rang her doorbell."

I was planning on passing on this one but,  then my daughter mentioned she wanted to read it so I decided to download it. What do you think about the intro, read more or pass?  Have you read this one?


  1. I like the suspense built in the first two paragraphs. I'd read on.

  2. Wow, I have been eagerly eyeing this one. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  3. My daughter also recommended this book to me. I read it but I did not think it was as good as other readers did.

  4. The intro certainly makes me curious!

  5. I've been curious about this book, and will probably read it.

  6. I gave this to my mom and look forward to reading it once she's finished. I've heard great things about it!

  7. I really wanted to read this. and now seeing the opening I REALLY really want to read it! Thanks for sharing.
    Here's mine https://francebooktours.com/2021/01/26/loving-modigliani-first-chapter-first-paragraph/

  8. That's a pretty interesting opening, we'd read on.

  9. Sounds good. I'm wondering who rang the doorbell.

  10. I’ve seen this book everywhere, yes read on, who is at the door?

  11. I'm so excited to read this book! Matt Haig is a favorite author of mine. :)

  12. He's an author who's definitely on my radar. I've heard that this is a good book too.

  13. I have been considering reading this mostly due to reviews I have read. I await your review.

  14. Honestly, the blurb on this one didn't grab me but so many people seem to really love it that it has me reconsidering. I'll be curious to see your thoughts!

  15. I do like that beginning and I keep hearing such great things about this one that it is on my wishlist. I hope you enjoy it and can't wait to read your review.

  16. I enjoyed it a lot, but I can see that not everyone might do so. I thought of it as a sort of It's a Wonderful Life set in a library.


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