Tuesday, April 6, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Night Always Comes; Willy Vlautin

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon. 

                                                    The Night Always Comes; Willy Vlautin
                                                                        Harper - 2021


Kenny had his hands around her ankle and began pulling her from the bed.  A small lamp on the dresser was the only light in the room and he stood over her in his Superman T-shirt and pajama bottoms.  It was winter and a portable radiant heater in the middle of the room gave off little warmth, and his breath came out in small disappearing clouds.

Lynette woke suddenly and looked at the clock on the nightstand: three a.m. "I'm getting fifteen more minutes so please don't touch me or say anything until then." She was thirty-years old and got out of bed in ten-year-old sweats and wool socks, shut off the light on the dresser, and got back under the covers.

In the darkness his breathing grew louder.

What do you think? This is supposed to be a bit of a darker grittier story which will be published today.


  1. Wow, now I am really curious! Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “WATCH HER FALL”

  2. Okay, definitely piqued my interest. But the opening scene doesn't really give much.

    I hope you'll enjoy the rest!

  3. It is certainly a titillating beginning!

    1. I already feel bad for the woman, the boy is her brother and he has some issues.

  4. I didn't think that was overly exciting, a tidbit about why would have helped.

  5. I have this book queued up on my Kindle and am really looking forward to reading it. I've seen several interviews with the author, and I like what I heard.

    1. I think I'm going to love it, so far so good. Hope you love it too.

  6. That paragraph you shared and the cover really make this seem like it's going to be quite the creepy read. I'd definitely read more!

  7. Hmmm...really hard to tell where this one is heading. I'd probably keep reading just for that reason.

  8. This really caught my attention. I'm already hooked.

  9. So, is Kenny a man or a little boy? I'm intrigued.

    1. He's a young boy, Les. You might like this as it takes place in Oregon, so far I am enjoying it - a darker story though.

  10. I read an earlier novel by Vlautin, Don't Skip Out On Me, and loved it. So I will read this one. He is definitely in the gritty category but he does it so well.

    1. Good to know Judy, I'll check out that title as well. This one is good so far.

  11. I finished it in 2 days - dark story - well written.


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