Tuesday, August 10, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Committed: Dispatches from a Psychiatrist in Training; Adam Stern, MD

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read.  

                             Committed: Dispatches from a Psychiatrist in Training; Adam Stern, MD
                                                           Mariner Books - July 2021


"I have a recurring dream in which I look down and notice for the first time that I'm soaring above the earth. I'm exhilarated but also filled with fear.  I don't know how I made it off the ground, and the act of looking down seems to cause me to lose whatever momentum it was that propelled my upward.  I need to figure out how to keep moving before gravity pulls me back to earth, ending in a terrible crash.  Sometimes I awaken just as I begin to fall, and other times the dream ends with my discovery of an unexpected solution.  The version that gives me the most comfort is when I look to one side or the other and notice that I'm not alone.  In those moments, when I see someone floating right next to me, my fear still exists, but its more surmountable.  Maybe we can figure this out together.

After reading far too many thrillers, I felt like I needed to try something different so I chose this memoir.  What do you think - read more or pass? 


  1. Wow, I hate those kinds of dreams, but I love the sound of this book. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Dreams can be so strange at times. I am a great one for the bizarre. Dreams about people I haven't seen in 50 years or ones were I'm snooping around in places I've lived previously, lost in parking lots and can't find my car LOL

  2. I'm not sure I'd read more on this one, maybe a paragraph or two just to see.

  3. I'm always fascinated by the symbolism in dreams. The book is off to a good start!

  4. Sounds interesting. I'd read more. :)

  5. It's an interesting opening, for sure. And I'm a real sucker when it comes to memoirs, so I imagine I'd have to read at least a few more pages before deciding whether or not this is one I want to read. (This reminds me that I've read almost no memoirs yet this year...time to fix that.)

    1. Sam, If you like memoirs, have you ever read: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Tales from the Crematory? Caitlin Doughty? The Removers, Andrew Meredith is also quite interesting. Of course I like a walk on the darker side.

    2. I've read the first, but not the second, Diane. I'll look for that one.

      Growing up, one of my best friends lived above his family's funeral home, so I have kind of a taste of what that lifestyle is like. I read a memoir a while back called The Undertaker's Daughter by Kate Mayfield that brought that experience back in spades. You might want to take a look at it, too.

    3. Sam, Happy surprise, I actually have The Undertaker's Daughter on my Kindle but hadn't read it - thanks for mentioning it. I think I will like it.

  6. I'd have to read the explanation of starting with the dream sequence. I'm intrigued by dreams, both the bizarre and those shared by a huge segment of the population.

    1. Me too Jen - I often wished I kept a dream journal with dates. Most of my family says they don't dream or if they do they rarely recall the dream but for me they are quite vivid.

  7. It sounds like an interesting book, but I rarely read memoirs. Still, it's an intriguing opening.

  8. This sounds really interesting and a good book to through into the mix when genre fatigue starts showing up. I have dreams of falling but I never make it past starting to fall to look around and see if someone else is around me.

    1. Yes, I need to mix it up more instead of mostly thrillers I'd like to do thrillers, memoirs, translated literary, contemporary, mysteries and a few historical

  9. I have this on my wishlist. I hope you will read it and tell us whether we should read it or not!

  10. Oh, what a beautiful start, Diane! I hope you enjoyed the rest.


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