Tuesday, December 28, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Abide with Me; Elizabeth Strout

 Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. I've actually stopped reading this week as I have some other year end projects to get to but, because I love Elizabeth Strout's writing, I'm planning on reading the remaining (2) books of hers that I haven't read in 2022.  Abide with Me will be on my January 2022.  The other book on my 2022 list is Amy and Isabelle. Have you read these?

Abide with Me; Elizabeth Strout
Random House Audio - 2006

Oh, it would be years ago now, but at one time a minister lived with his small daughter in a town up north near the Sabbanock River, up where the river is narrow and the winters used to be especially long.  The minister's name was Tyler Caskey, and for quite some while his story was told in towns up and down the river, and as far over as the coast, until it emerged with enough variations so as to lose its original punch, and just the passing of time, of course,  will affect the vigor of these things.  But there are a few people still living in the town of West Annett who are set to remember quite clearly the events that took place during the wintery, final months of 1959.  And if you inquire with enough patience and restraint of curiosity, you can probably get them to tell what is is they claim to know, although its accuracy might be something you'd have to sort out on your own.

What do you think?


  1. Now I am very curious! Since I recently read a book by Strout that I loved, I will have to check this one out. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I haven't read Abide With Me either but after that first paragraph preview I'm adding it to my reading list for next year.

  3. Not only would I continue reading but I'm tempted to rush out a find this book so I can do just that. I like her writing and the settings really work for me!

    Happy end-of-year-project completions!

    1. Jane, glad to read that the intro appealed to you. I'm so looking forward to this one.

  4. That first paragraph definitely drew me in! :)

  5. If this were the first Strout book I'd read, I would probably be on the fence about it at this point. But having enjoyed several of Strout's later novels, I would most definitely keep turning the pages. In fact, I think I need to find this one for next yeaar.

  6. I think this will be another worthwhile read Sam. Planning it as my #2 read in January.

  7. I haven't read this author but I've heard so many good things. I would continue reading.

    1. This author does not disappoint - definitely worth adding to your TBR lists.

  8. I love stories that start like this. So much anticipation if it's done right...

  9. I have listened to two books by this author and really enjoyed them both. I would definitely keep listening to this one.


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