Saturday, December 18, 2021

Week in Review - Book Reviews: No One Goes Alone; Erik Larson - A Calling for Charlie Barnes; Joshua Ferris and Five Tuesdays in Winter: Stories; Lily King


Hello readers, did you have a good week? How is it that Christmas is next weekend?  We have been having extremely mild New England weather, which frightens me a bit after what the poor people of Kentucky in dealing with...such devastation.  We were supposed to have some snow but so far just rain.

This birthday week included a mini getaway. My husband has been wanting to visit the new Encore-Boston Harbor resort casino that opened just before COVID closed things down for a while.  Well, yes, it was my birthday but, I was happy to do something we would both enjoy.   We had a great time even though our wallets are slightly lighter, it was so much fun.  Here are a few pictures:

                     indoor ferris wheel

Books Listened to:

Rating 3.5/5 stars
(free Penguin Random House original audio download)
(7 hours and 35 min)

Erik Larson, the author of so many wonderful non fiction books has published his first work of fiction - a ghost story.

Set in 1905, a group of researchers led by William James, a brilliant psychologist, philosopher and prominent member of the Society of Psychical Research head to the remote Isle of Dorn to investigate some mysterious disappearances. One entire family of (4) disappeared while on holiday.

The audiobook read by Julian Rhind-Tutt was well done. It was very atmospheric and almost chilling at times, making it easy to envision the ghostly happenings the characters had encountered.  The characters, a mix of real life and author imagined ones were unique and easy to keep track of on audio. The setting and a dangerous, raging storm, the ship gone and the researchers stranded made for a chilling tale.  I liked that the characters were not sure who they could trust as well.  The story started out rather slow so it took a while for me to feel invested but, I was happy I listened to it.  I also liked that the epilogue gave some insight into the characters.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars
(free library audio download) - Little Brown & Co.
(11 hours 30 min)

Charlie Barnes, nicknamed "steady boy" is a character not easily forgotten. Married (5) times of which (4) ended badly and, he is not on the best of terms with his (2) oldest offspring. The final blow comes when Charlie at 68 years old gets a pancreatic cancer diagnosis and, he is forced to reexamine his life.

Charlie was a character to love when he is hurting despite the fact that many who knew him disliked him for the things he did along the way.  It is Charlie's son Jake whose voice gives the reader insight to the life of Charlie Barnes.  At times I wonder whether Jake was a reliable narrator or an adult man-child comforting a broken heart. 

Despite the subject matter this is a story that made me smile, laugh and think. The writing is observant, funny, wise, sharp and even endearing at times, it's a story that makes you think. When death comes for us what will those we leave behind have to say about us and how we lived our lives?

The story was inspired bu the death of the author's own father in 2014.  Worth reading!  

The audio book was read by Nick Offerman who did a great job.

Rating - 4/5 stars
(free audible plus download)
(6 hours and 10 min)

For years I was never a fan of short stories but, I have a new appreciation for them. It's nice to sit for a brief period and feel a sense of accomplishment in just a short period of time.  In this collected of (10) stories The author touches on subjects that will resonate with most readers.  From coming of age stories, stories about the importance of friendship or, a story about selfish parents, another about a stern grandfather longing to reach his comatose granddaughter through his voice or, any one of the remaining stories most left an impression.  Each story made me think about just how very different people and families can be in different situations. Some stories made me smile, others made me mad or sad.  Well done.

Current Reads:

Not sure if I will get to finish my current reads as I will also be busy baking and preparing for a Christmas gathering here. Even the little ones are fully vaccinated now and all adults in the family boosted. Yoga is done until the new year (scary our instructor got COVID.)

                                                        Our 2022 Book Group Reading List 

                                         Have you read any of these and if so what were your thoughts?

  1. January - In Five Years; Rebecca Serle  (2021)
  2. February - Authenticity Project; Clare Pooley (2022)
  3. March - Invisible Life of Addie LaRue; Victoria Schwab (2020)
  4. April - Anxious People; Fredrick Backman (2020)  - already read & enjoyed
  5. May - Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo; Taylor Jenkins Reid (2017)
  6. June - The Lost Apothecary; Sarah Penner (2021)
  7. July - A Long Petal of the Sea; Isabel Allende (2020)
  8. August - The Only Woman in the Room; Marie Benedict (2019)
  9. September - The Midnight Library; Matthew Haig (2020) - already read - okay read
  10. October - Dark Matter; Blake Crouch (2016)
(November & December no meet but holiday luncheon)


  1. It is pretty scary to think that a lot of the New England states haven't received much in the way of snow so far this fall/winter. We continue to get a lot of rain and wind, which keeps me inside since it's too dangerous to walk the paths in the forest. Don't want any trees or branches falling on my head!

    I'm glad you had fun on your birthday. Your getaway sounds like a nice way to celebrate! I am beginning to get itchy feet for another road trip, but we'll wait until March or April when the weather starts to improve. I celebrated my birthday with a lunch with friends and two nights out to dinner with friends and family. Definitely felt the love!

    I've read a few books by Erik Larson (loved The Splendid and the Vile), but haven't felt compelled to try his novel. I haven't read anything by Joshua Ferris, but this one sounds promising. I loved Writers & Lovers and definitely want to read Five Tuesdays in Winter. I'm not a big fan of short stories, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for sharing a little bit about the stories.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebration. How upsetting about your yoga instructor. This new variant is causing a lot of worry, but we've been triple vax'd so I'm trying not to fret.

    Thanks for sharing your book group list for 2022. I've read In Five Years, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (just discussed it with my book group this past week), Anxious People and Dark Matter. You can search for my reviews on my blog, if you're interested. I've just begun The Midnight Library, which is starting off quite well. I'm curious about how your group selects the books to be read each year. I'm co-moderating my group and we're beginning to think about changing our process. We get people nominating books and never showing up for meetings. We try to encourage those who have their book selected, lead the discussion. Doesn't always work out, though. Sigh.

    1. It sounds like you had a wonderful December birthday as well Les...many many more. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Our library book group is run by a librarian - she takes suggestions from the group at the end of the year but, what we read depends on whether she can get enough large print copies from the systems libraries for a particular book. Our group of about 10-12 is all seniors except for one person, most request large print. Personally, I've been listening to more books than using print editions since COVID and I almost always can find what I'm looking for.

    2. Thanks for letting me know how your group selects books each year. How nice to have it run by a librarian! I think we wound up with a pretty good list for 2022. I'll post the list later this week.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! The casino sure is pretty and I'm glad you both had a good time. Those books all sound pretty good. How awful your yoga instructor got the Evil Covid.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes and yes, that awful COVID appears here to stay for a while.

  3. Many happy returns of your well-celebrated birthday! The Erik Larson book looks good -- I've liked some of his nonfiction. Of your list, I have read only the one by Isabel Allende, and liked it very much. I wrote two blog posts about it:

    Very interesting list! Have fun with baking and holiday celebration.

    best... mae at

  4. You have some great reads going on! I’ve read your March, April and September books and really enjoyed them!

    1. Hi, thanks for stopping by and glad you liked some one the books on our 2022 book list.

  5. What a lovely place for a birthday celebration! I'm glad you had a good time.

    I love Erik Larson's nonfiction, but I have little interest in his fiction. I wonder why people who write great nonfiction always want to try fiction, too. I'm trying to think of a single author I know who writes both well. Sigh.

    My yoga instructor has been out all this week. I hope yours recovers quickly from Covid.

    Thanks for sharing your book group choices. I wish our group chose for the would be easier to acquire books and to plan. I've read Five Years, Anxious People, Seven Husbands, Midnight Library, and Dark Matter and I liked them all. I've been curious about Apothecary so I'll be curious to see what you think of it.

    1. I need to read more of Larson's NF, I have several to catch up on. Glad to read you enjoyed several books on our 2022 reading list.

  6. It's wild to hear it's been so mild there. Winter came late here (not till Dec.) but now it seems in full force. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday, yea! Great setting. I'm glad you liked the Joshua Ferris novel ... I had to laugh at Charlie especially during the first half of the book .... Offerman's audio reading is well done! Funny. Your book club choices look good .... we just chose Swimming at Trout River for our next book club read, which I know you liked.

    1. I couldn't remember who blogged about A Calling for Charlie Barnes (now a proper thanks to you) I enjoyed it. Yes, Swimming to Trout River was very good - I read the print - enjoy.

  7. I'm so glad to hear you had a good birthday week (and that it was a week of good things, not just one day)! Encore-Boston Harbor sounds pretty cool. I am headed to Boston in March so will have to check it out. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Oh wow Helen, hope you enjoy you trip to Boston in spring. Have a Merry Christmas.

  8. What a fun birthday you had! Some of those casinos are amazing. I loved your pictures.

    I didn't realize Erik Larson had written a fiction book. Looks interesting.

    I just finished Anxious People.

    Have a great Christmas!

    1. Thanks Gretchen. Anxious People was so different. I did like it a lot. Have a nice Christmas.

  9. I've not read any of the books you reviewed and only two that are on your book group's list for the coming year - the ones for April and July, both of which I loved. I do have some of the others on my list that I hope to get to in the coming year.

    That casino looks like a lot of fun. Happy belated birthday and merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks Dorothy and glad to read you loved a few books from our group's list. Merry Christmas.

  10. Glad you had a good birthday! And that Erik Larson book intrigues me. I like a ghost story! Haven't read any of the books on your 2022 book group list, though there are several titles on it that are on my TBR list, too. Have a great week! :D

    1. Thanks Lark, I want to read some of Larson's NF. I've only read one.

  11. I have a hard time imagining Eric Larson writing fiction. His nonfiction books are so detailed. How would be do it with fiction? I read Matrix this year. It wasn't a favorite but I did like the writing and found it quite compelling. My Sunday Salon Post

    1. I just finished The Matrix...the audio was wonderful and enchance what would have been just an okay story.

  12. I am intrigued by Eric Larson writing a novel, his nonfiction is often brilliant.

  13. Happy birthday and what a fun outing! I didn't realize Larson had written a fiction book but I'm definitely intriuged and will go with the audio. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Katherine - actually I read that this Larson book is ONLY available as an audio for some reason.

  14. Thanks Vicki. Hope your Christmas is special as well.

  15. The only one I have is A Calling for Charlie Barnes, but I haven't started it yet. Good to hear that you liked it!

    1. Jen, Hope you will enjoy A Calling for Charie Barnes - different in a good way.

  16. The only one on your bookclub list that I've read is The Midnight Library...and I see that you've read it already yourself and thought it was kind of OK. I didn't react even quite that kindly to it, as I recall.

    Wow...I must be slipping. I hadn't even realized that Erik Larson has tried his hand at fiction. That's definitely one I want to put on my reading list for 2022, that and the one you mention by Joshua Ferris, another author I've enjoyed several times in the past.

    Happy Birthday! That looks like a wonderful place for a quick getaway; the photos are great.

    1. Yes, I did not understand the hype for The Midnight Library. I need to add some of Larson's NF to my 2022 reading. Thanks for the birthday wishes - it was a fun getaway.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.