Tuesday, December 21, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Winter Solstice; Rosamunde Pilcher

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. 

I always wanted to read or listen to this book around the Winter Solstice after having reading so many rave reviews. I finally purchased the audio and so this is the year - 2021 (book originally published in 2000.)  Have you read it?  If I like it I'll try others by the author as well.

Winter Solstice; Rosamunde Pilcher
Macmillan Audio - 2018 
17 hours - 52 min.


Before Elfrida Phipps left London for good and moved to the country, she made a trip to the Buttersea Dogs' Home and returned with a canine companion. It took a good--and heart rending half-hour of searching but as soon as she saw him, sitting very close to the bars of his kennel and gazing up at her with dark melting eyes, she knew that he was the one.  She did not want a large animal, nor did she relish the idea of a yapping lap-dog. This one was exactly the right size. Dog size.

What do you think --read more of pass?


  1. I was hoping to get to this one this month but it didn't happen for one reason or another. Definitely planning to get to it next year. It's a very popular book, in fact Rosamund Pilcher as an author has a huge following.

    1. If I enjoy it I'm definitely need to try Shell Seekers or something else by her.

    2. I loved Shell Seekers. Maybe I'll put this on my list for next year.

  2. How very appropriate for the first day of winter. And that first paragraph really draws you in, so, yes, definitely read more!

    1. Every year it seems I've said "I've been meaning to read it" so I made a point to finish the year with this one.

  3. I read and loved this one years ago! I might need to read it again. One of my favorites by this author is The Shell Seekers. I even have the DVD.

    1. I keep hearing good things about Shell Seekers - hope to try this as well.

  4. I love the idea of winter solstice, and my mother was a great fan of Pilcher. I wish I'd thought of this one sooner, but maybe next year.

    1. I've wanted to read it for a long while Jen. Hope it's a winner for me.

  5. I would read more unless something happens to the dog!

  6. I've read this, but it was in pre-blogging days and I don't remember much about it. I have my copy on a shelf and would love to read it again, but I have so many other books calling to me right now. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. LOL - Don't feel bad Vicki, I look back at some of the titles I've read 10+ years ago and unless I look up my review or description, I can't recall much about the majority of them. Sad--

    2. I decided to start this reading this yesterday! Thanks for the nudge to reread it. :)

  7. Winter Solstice is a great book! But then I love most of Pilcher's novels. Happy reading! :D

  8. Everyone does so love this, and indeed I liked some parts very much, but could never get over the beginning.

  9. Hmmm...do you mean her picking up and leaving London? I'm just starting it tonight.

  10. I can't wait to hear what you think about Winter Solstice. It's the perfect time to read that one.

    I've never read anything by that author, in fact.

    1. De, I have never tried this author either but, so many have loved her books I figured it was time to try.

  11. I hope I can find this one. I've read this author before and liked her style.

    1. So far I am enjoying the story. Good luck, I hope you can locate a copy.

  12. I never read anything by this author, but the book does sound like a good one.

    1. Neither had I Yvonne and for years I wanted to try one of her books as she seemed so popular.

  13. I've not read her before either, but I've seen my wife reading her on more than one occasion...and she's not easy to please. I find the opening a little on the sentimental side, but it's a nice enough hook that I would read on for a while, I think.

    1. I'm not sure she will be my cup-of-tea either but, I liked the intro and hope to start it this evening.

  14. I have read it but it's been years and I have been meaning to reread it. I do think I enjoyed it. It's a little bit different from her other books. Her earlier books are on the short side and more on the romance side and her later books are more saga like. I love The Shell Seekers and September and adore her short story collections. I hope you enjoy this one!

    1. Thanks Katherine, I hope to start it this evening and it will likely be my last book of 2021 (I think) unless next week is slower than expected.

  15. This is a great story and I've reread it a few times. Pilcher has such a way with the domestic settings of life. Thinking about this book, I can still conjur up the rooms of her settings that I've formed in my mind while reading this wonderful book.

    1. Glad this one was a winner for you. Looking forward to continuing with the print (instead of audio) in January.

  16. Hi Diane,
    Winter Solstice is my all-time favorite Christmas novel, with no competition coming close to rivaling its wonders. I re-read it about once in every three Decembers. It is also my favorite Pilcher novel. Swoon! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Judith and glad you loved this book. Audio was not working so I ordered the trade paperback and it arrived yesterday. January I will continue with it. Hope you've been well...I miss your posts and book updates. Happy New Year!


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