Saturday, September 3, 2022

Book Review - Fairy Tale; Stephen King - release date September 6th


Fairy Tale; Stephen King
Scribner and Simon & Schuster Audio - 9/6/2022
(Narrators: Seth Numrich and Stephen King)
(length - 24 hours)

In Stephen Kin's latest novel which releases on September 6th we meet Charlie Reade whose life hasn't been easy. His mom died when he was a young boy after being hit by a van.  His dad tried to do the best he could but instead he drowned his grief in alcohol until he eventually found the help he needed to get sober. Charlie in turn for a number of years became the responsible one in the household. He was also a good student and talented athlete.

One day Charlie,  now 17, is riding his bike by the home of a recluse named Howard Bowditch. The man's barking dog summoned Charlie to see that Mr.Bowditch had fallen off a ladder and couldn't get up. After Charlie calls for help and Mr, Bowditch is hospitalized for a fractured hip, it's clear the older man will require a lengthy period of rehab, home care and someone to feed Radar, his German Shepard while he is away from home.  Charlie steps in and an unlikely bond of trust and respect is formed between Charlie, Mr. Bowditch and Radar.  Things at Mr. Bowditch's home are a little retro to say the least but, the most mysterious of all are the contents of a safe and a mysterious backyard shed that leads to an alternate universe where those who enter will grapple with good versus evil.  

After Mr. Bowditch dies and Charlie is left a cassette tape from Mr. Bowditch explaining several thing as well as inheriting the property and his elderly dog Radar, the reader will wonder whether Charlie and Radar have what it takes to survive the battle that they will be forced to face.

Best described as a dark fantasy kind of thriller, something I sometimes grapple with, this story pulled me in immediately. Charlie Reade was such a likable character, the kind of teen you would be proud to have for your son and mature beyond his years.  Charlie had a heavy burden to carry sacrificing much to be of service to others. I loved Radar the senior dog and his bond with former master and then with Charlie was heartwarming.  This book is very good and I never found it disturbing either. Once again it amazes me just how very wild and imaginative King's mind is. In this case he created several deeply complex and memorable characters, a unique and odd alternate universe complete with a beautiful palace, glass towers, and even a magical sundial that could turn time around. King fans will not be disappointed.  The audio version was excellent.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars

(NOTE: An audio download was provided to me by the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review.)


  1. I've shied away from Stephen King since his long string of horror novels terrified me when I was young, but this sounds like a story I'd like.

    1. I definite loved the main character Charlie and the first part of the story where you got to know him, Mr. Bowditch, Charlie's dad and the dog LOL, probably because that part takes place in the world I'm comfortable with.

  2. I'd try this one as it's a fairy tale and not a horror story!

  3. Oooh, this does sound like a good one! Adding it to my TBR list.

    1. I liked it a lot and Charlie was such a great character but, the whole story just really drew me in.

  4. I've got the audio of this, as well. Can't wait to start listening and am so glad to know that you enjoyed it, Diane. Something about the relationship between Charlie and Mr. Bowditch reminds me of another story by Stephen King. Have you read If It Bleeds? It's a collection of short stories/novellas and Mr. Harrigan's Phone is wonderful. Give it a try! Here's my review.

    1. Yes, I remember that one with the cell phone after than man dies. Very good. I think you will like this one as well.

  5. Well, that sounds interesting and I'm not hugely into Stephen King. I've read a lot of his short stories but practically none of his novels. I like the sound of this though and will keep it in mind for future reading.

    1. Yes, I wasn't a huge fan of some of King's earlier horror themed novels but I do love the way he has transitions his writing over the years. His short stories are very good. I was just thinking I might like read 11-22-63 again.

  6. Aaah yea!! So glad to hear you've enjoyed the latest Stephen King. Now I am definitely going to add it to my TBR. I am a closet case Stephen King fan and just know I will enjoy this one as much as you.

    Great review Diane!

    Elza Reads

    1. I like the books he writes now better than some of his early horror novels. I hope you will enjoy this when you try it.

  7. I enjoy the King dude and this one sounds really good.

  8. One of the ones I loved was 11/22/63 - think I want to read or listen to again after many years. This is a good one Vicki; you will like Charlie, Mr. B and Radar, the dog.

  9. Yes, he is still going strong in his 70s and, IMO had gotten even better.

  10. I haven't read a lot of Stephen King, but when I do, I am blown away. This is on my list, and I'm glad to hear it worked for you.Great review.

  11. Jane, I liked it a lot the writing is so good and, happy the horror factor of some of the early books wasn't there.

  12. I've only read more of his horror stories and don't read a lot of fantasy but I like the way you described the characters and think I would probably enjoy this one!

    1. I definitely am not a lover of fantasy but, I was still able to enjoy this one a lot.

  13. I'm glad you shared about this one, Diane. I had been wondering about it. I read a lot of King books back in his mega-horror days and loved them. It's been a long time. However, he's written these fantasy-ish type books before and he is really such a talented author. I'm going to put this one on my list for later in the fall - after RIP.

  14. Yes, I liked his horror based fiction a lot when I was younger but I now prefer the direction he has gone in over the years. I hope you will like this one.

  15. I've enjoyed a few of his earlier works. He's an amazing author, that's for sure. I'll read this book at some point given that the waiting list for the library copy is long.

  16. He does have quite the following for sure. I'll be curious to read your thoughts when you do read it.


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