Tuesday, September 27, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Old Place; Bobby Finger

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

The Old Place; Bobby Finger
G.P. Putnam - 2022


Mary Alice Roth woke up and stared at the the big old trunk, which may as well have been a reflection.  Unmoved for years, the trunk of carved, glossy hardwood sat under the window in her bedroom because she'd lost the only people strong enough to lift it somewhere else.  At her age, the number of able bodies in a house --hold doesn't tend to change, and neither does the way you sleep, which meant Mary Alice--the sole inhabitant of 4 County Road 1818 for over ten years and a left-sided sleeper since she was in a crib--knew that for the rest of her life,  the first thing she'd see in the morning would be the hideous antique trunk she hated more than just about anything else in the world.  And now she couldn't get rid of it even if she tried, unless she wanted to throw out her back and and spend hours moaning on the floor hoping someone would knock on the door and check on her.  It was that sort of bottomless pit of fact that made her wish she were dead.  Bur she wasn't, not today at least.  So she silenced the buzzing clock and began another week of living.  What else was there to do anyhow?

I forget where I read about about this books but, from the lengthy into, I'm curious to know more about Mary Alice.  How about you read more or pass?


  1. The opening makes me think she should open that old trunk and maybe like Pandora's box some surprises, good ones, may come.

    1. Yes, I think there are interesting secrets to the past inside the trunk.

  2. Well, that is an intriguing beginning for sure. I would never be able to stop there. I'd want to know what was in that trunk.

    1. I agree - hope to start it this weekend, trying to finish (2) others first.

  3. I am very curious about the trunk and its contents.

  4. She does sound like an interesting character.

  5. This sounds like an interesting one.

  6. "What else was there to do?" This opening totally made me smile. I hope the rest of the book is just as good. "D

  7. I think I'd keep reading. This very much makes me want to know more about Mary Alice too!

  8. I'm definitely intrigued. Mary Alice sounds like an interesting character.

    1. I thought Mary Alice seemed like someone I'd want to know better as well LOL

  9. Vicki - I hope to start it this weekend.

    Hope you are safe in FL!

  10. I spotted this on a shelf in a bookstore in Montana a week or so ago and almost bought it. It sounds like one I'd enjoy!

  11. I think so too, hope to start it this weekend and learn more about Mary Alice.


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