Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Book Review - Killers of a Certain Age; Deanna Raybourn


Killers of a Certain Age; Deanna Raybourn
Berkley - 9/2022

This is my first time trying this author and the appeal of this book for me was the fact that the main characters were women who were easing intro retirement in their 60s after a career in a non traditional female field - 40 years as female assassins. The all female team worked for a group called The Museum, originally tracking Nazi but over their tenure as the as the world changed so did the kinds of people they went after such as  drug smugglers and human traffickers.

Now Billie, Mary Alice, Helen and Natalie are on an all expense paid cruise but, when they spot a former assassin from the Museum among the ship's crew something doesn't feel right and the women wonder if they are suddenly not on a leisurely cruise but targets. Can this group of savvy women use the skills that honed over the years to stay alive? Why has the Museum turned on the women?

The story is told from the POV of Billie and takes the reader into the past as we learn about some of their missions over the course of their career. but, more of the book was set in the present day.  It was easy to get a feel for the individual strengths of the relationships of the women.  I felt the story moved along at a good pace but, I was surprised by the darker details the storyline took at times. There were some moments that made me smile but, the story wasn't at all light and humorous either.  I can't really say that I would even  classify this as a mystery.  In the end this was just another case of a book that wasn't a good fit for me.

RATING - 3/5 stars


  1. Diane, I'm glad you told us about your experience with this book. No, not every book works well for everyone. I, too, am intrigued by the older women scenario and will let you know how it works for me when I get it read. ;-)

    1. I'll be curious to read your thoughts Kay. Reviews were nixed but so far it seems like more enjoyed it.

  2. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. I enjoy Deanna Raybourn's Veronica Speedwell series, but I could not get past the first couple chapters of this book.

    1. Hi Nancy, thanks for sharing your experience here. I am happy to read that soe readers did not get what they were expecting with this one. I am new to this author. Let's hope our next read is better.

  3. Aw that's too bad. I've been really curious about this one since I started seeing it around, and the older protagonists were a draw too. Sorry this one didn't quite work out.

    1. Yes, the older women was the draw for me but, it didn't even matter once the story wasn't working.

  4. You never know until you read them whether you'll like certain books or not. Maybe the author should have made it more humorous and light all the way through.

  5. Lark, I think that would have helped me as it was what I was expecting.

  6. Yeah it seems not for me either. Live and learn :-)

  7. Too bad this one was a bit of a disappointment for you. I hate when that happens.

    1. My goal for the rest of the year is to try and be more selective LOL

  8. This sounds like it could be a lot of fun so that's a bit of a bummer but well, not all will be winners right?

    1. I really expected light and funny almost like a cozy but that didn't happen.

  9. I've been curious about this book so thanks for sharing your views, Diane! Not sure about the premise but I'm definitely intrigued by the characters.

  10. Yes, I thought I'd love the characters but for me, the story just started to go downhill early on.

  11. I'm glad to know there's a bit of a darker tone to this as it definitely seems like it could run more to the funny side. I'm sorry this didn't work for you and I'm glad to read a more meh review on this one. It's on my TBR but it's always good to go in with more balanced expectations.

  12. Yes, it's a cute premise, but elderly assassins has its limits when it comes to humor or enjoyment.

  13. Oh no. I just got this one for my TBR shelf and was really looking forward to it. I'll still give it a read and see what I think.


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