Saturday, September 17, 2022

Quick Update and a blogging break


Hello readers,  I've been missing from the computer and blogging in general but, life threw me an unexpected curveball.

On Friday, 9/2, I woke up with low blood pressure and a high heart rate, felt a little little headed and ended up passing out in the kitchen and banging my head on the ceramic floor.  My doctor was concerned about a brain bleed so wanted me to go to the ER.  Good news, no head injury, bad news they found other areas of concern including a blood infection, low BP, elevated heart rate. I spent (4) nights in the hospital after almost constant IV antibiotics and fluids.  They believe dehydration lead to the passing out incident.  I have had other issues I've been dealing with  so, this was just another unexpected setback.

Needless to say,, I came home very weak and am slowly trying to regain my energy.  I'll be following up with a few different doctors over next few weeks.

On a positive note I have finished (2) audio books. (1) I started and finished in the hospital and the other since I've been home - both very good.

We Spread; Iain Reid
Simon & Schuster Audio - 2022
RATING - 4.5/5 stars
Narrator - Robin Miles - excellent
(review at a later date)

                                            Lost Girls of Willowbrook; Ellen Marie Wiseman
                                                        Recorded Books -2022 (library loan)
                                                                   RATING -   4/5 stars
                                                           Narrator - Morgan Hallet - very good
                                                                        review at a later date

                                                                        UPCOMING READs

That's it for now. I'll post some reviews when I feel up to it otherwise you can check my 2022 Books Read Tab to see what I've read.


  1. Glad you are home now and recovering and that you had audio books in the hospital and at home to keep you company and stress free. Keep well, friend, and take your time coming back to all your activities.

  2. So sorry to hear how unwell you've been, Diane. It all sounds horrendous, Keeping you in my thoughts and I hope you're well on the road to recovery. Take care and don't rush back until you're properly well.

  3. Oh, Diane!! I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and overall problems with a blood infection, low BP, elevated heart rate. I'm relieved to know that you don't have a brain bleed, but am sorry that you've had to deal with this on top of other issues. I'm glad you've been able to listen to a couple of audiobooks that turned out to be winners. I'm sure those were good distractions. Take care, my friend. You're in my thoughts. xoxo

    1. Thanks Les, we are never prepared for this weird and unexpected setbacks. As I mentioned to others, I'll be glad when 2022 is over.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues. Take care of yourself and feel better soon. We'll see you back here when you are ready.

  5. Diane! Best wishes for a full recovery soon and plenty of good books while you regain your strength. (:

    1. Not sure who is commenting, but, thank you for the kind words.

  6. I am glad you are home now, Diane, and hoping your regain your strength soon. Sending positive health vibes your way.

    1. Wendy, thabk you for the positive vibes - I'll take all I can get LOL

  7. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery!

  8. I'm so sorry you ended up in the hospital! But I'm very glad you're now home recovering. Sending best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery your way!

    1. Lat=rk, it is great to be home as slowly getting more energy.

  9. Glad you are home now and hope you are getting lots of rest and taking it easy. Take care and sending very best wishes and prayers your way.

    1. Hi Katherine, thank you for the kind word, they are much appreciated.

  10. Oh this sounds so scary but I am glad you are home and that they were able to get you back on track. Do care care of yourself and I hope you have a speedy recovery.

    1. Hi Helen, I feel like this will set me back a bit, but, looking forward to more enerfy each day.

  11. Diane I'm so sorry to hear this! How scary but so glad you are now home. Wishing you all the best as you get back to normal! Big hugs!

    1. Thanks Iliana, yes, I wasn't prepared for this as I was just feeling low-energy. I haven't stayed in the hospital since me kids were born 40+ years ago:)

  12. I’m sorry to hear of your health issues, I wish you a quick recovery.

  13. Vicki, Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers, I appreciate that.

  14. Kay, I appreciate your kindness and positive thoughts. I wasn't expecting this for sure but the last (5) months have been anything but normal here.

  15. Shellyrae, thank you for stopping by and sending well-wishes, I appreciate that.

  16. Diane, I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues and am glad that you've no head injury and is now resting at home. I can imagine the scare. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery!

    1. It was quite scary - the body is so complex. Feeling much better thankfully.

  17. Oh I'm sorry Diane. I hope you feel better soon and so glad you didn't hurt your head falling. It's good to take a break until you feel stronger. Hopefully the doctors will figure out how to help. I'm glad you liked the We Spread novel. It seems a bit spooky ... if I'm hearing right. take care Diane!

    1. Susan, I am feeling much better -- sorry just reading this comment now. I liked We Spread a lot but, then I love stories about senior citizens lately.

  18. I'm very sorry, Diane! That sounds so scary, and I'm hoping you're feeling better now. Sending healing vibes your way.

    1. Thanks Diana, I am feeling quite good now, so fingers crossed this will continue!

  19. I am late reading this. I am so very sorry. I wish I were closer so I could help out in any way you needed. I can't believe all this sh*# has happened. My love to you.

    1. Thanks Nan, 2.5 weeks later, I'm really feeling pretty good - hate to jinx myself by admitting that:O Hugs to you!

  20. Oh wow! How terribly frightening that must've been! I hope things are getting better now. Can I ask how does one's blood get infected?

  21. Jinger, Normally a blood infection likely occurs from an open wound buy that was not the case for me. They suspect it could have even been a transfer issue that happened while I was in the ER but are unsure. Fortunately all the IV antibiotics worked and I am feeling almost like my old self.


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.