Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Salon - June 7th

Another week has flown by
, and here is some of what I did this week:

  • Saw a new doctor for a routine physical and all is well (WHEW) Blood pressure 106/72 (no stress here for the time being I guess)
  • Had family over for dinner on Thursday evening which is always fun
  • Went to a Friends of the Library Meeting (we made $3,300 at our book sale a few weeks ago)
  • Went to a library book sale in Connecticut with my son. All books were 50 cents or $1.00, and for $21.00 got some great finds. He got a lot of books he was pleased with as well.
  • We picked up some custom made bar stools yesterday that we ordered and stopped at a farmers market in a very quaint town along the way (got a great hanging basket--cat seemed to enjoy chewing on it anyways). Oh and of course I had to check out a great INDIE Book store and buy a book bag to support the store LOL
  • Read/listened to (5) books; reviewed (3) so far.
Now about Books......they keep does this happen??

Received (5) books for review this week:
  1. Homer's Odyssey; Cooper
  2. Dragon House; John Shors
  3. The Chosen One; Carol Lynch
  4. Broken: A Love Story; Lisa Jones
  5. Ravens; George Green

    Now if that isn't enough for one week, I still am addicted to the library and these found their way home with me yesterday:


  1. I really enjoyed Cinderella, hope you find time to read it.

  2. Congrats on the good physical!

    Oh I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed. I am too and it's my own fault.

  3. I love library booksales! I'm glad you were able to find some fun books.

  4. When I was scanning my bookshelves this morning, I realized that I have two books with the title BROKEN. And now here you are, listing another one. Maybe that is a sign. LOL

  5. Sounds like a good week. You know I always say one can never have too many books. lol. Have a good time at the game.

  6. Sounds like you had a busy week, Diane. Enjoy our new books and have a great week!

  7. That darn library. Even having tons of TBR books on my bookshelf, that library still calls me in and forces me to take books home. Oh, and don't get me started on the sales it offers. But I can't imagine life without the library. Scary.

  8. I'm jealous you got The Chosen One. I've heard great things about it! Godmother also looks good.

  9. Yay for library sales! I haven't been to one in a while. I've got The Chosen One on my review pile too and can't wait to get to it. Have fun with your new books.

    Oh and yay also for a good doctor's visit :)

  10. A few of these look excellent! I checked out A Servant's Quarters and think I am going to be putting it on my wish list. Great Haul!


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