Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). This week's selection has been chose for my Europa Challenge, and the first paragraph in someway spoke to me.
Europa Editions, 2008 

"I had been driving for less than an hour when I began to feel ill.  The burning in my side came back, but at first I decided not to give it any importance.  I became worried only when I realized that I no longer had the strength to hold onto the steering wheel.  In the space of a few minutes my head became heavy, the headlights grew dimmer;  soon I even forgot that I was driving.  I had the impression, rather, of being at the sea, in the middle of the day.  The beach was empty, the water calm, but on a pole a few meters from the shore a red flag was waving.  When I was a child, my mother had frightened me, saying, Leda, you must never go swimming if you see a red flag: it means the sea is rough and you might drown. That fear had endured through the years, and even now, although the water was a sheet of translucent paper stretching to the horizon, I did not dare go in: I was anxious, I said to myself, go on, swim: they must have forgotten the flag, and meanwhile I stayed on the shore, cautiously testing the water with the tip of my toe.  Only at intervals my mother appeared at the top of the dunes and shouted to me as if I were still a child: Leda, what are you doing, don't you see the red flag?"

 What are your thoughts about this opening paragraph?


  1. Oh a very scary beginning. I would be really afraid if something like that happened to me. The mere thinking sends shivers down my spine.

  2. The writing sounds good but I can't stand the cover.

  3. Oh I hope she stays out of that water! Interesting intro!

  4. This opening makes me feel very anxious. I'm already yelling the character. Stop the car! I'd keep reading.
    Here's Mine

  5. I agree, this is a frightening opening paragraph. You can't help wondering what is happening to her and why.

  6. I think that was a great intro paragraph...I'd want to know more!

  7. Oh, I would definitely read this one based on the first paragraph and the cover. You will have to tell me how it is. I am very curious now!

  8. I love that opening paragraph but that cover is creepy!!!

  9. I live the Europa books and The Lost Daughter's opening paragraph really intrigues me. I'm very curious about where the book is going from here and what this paragraph is all about. The cover grabbed me, too...it's very interesting...

    (I included more than 1 paragraph in my post because the paragraphs are very short and are all about the same thing...I hope that's okay!)

  10. I don't think I could get past that dreadful cover! :<) Scary beginning, though.

  11. The intro is good but the cover would definitely deter me from reading it.

  12. I don't know about the intro, but I want to put a pair of panties on that doll! Poor little thing, with her bum exposed for all the world to see.

  13. I do wonder what happens. I agree, the cover is awful.

    Mine is here

  14. I do hope she wakes up soon! The cover reminds me of dreams where you are naked or partially naked in public...very intriguing.

  15. Oh yeah, that paragraph is very intriguing as is that cover. Lol.

  16. That's the kind of paragraph that makes you want to read more. Great choice.

    I know I have another of her books on my wishlist. Actually I think the other book may also have an unusual cover. Interesting.

  17. I'm intrigued enough by this intro to want to read more.

  18. I would need to keep on to see what kind of horrible accident she is going to get into. And that cover is weird!


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