Saturday, August 13, 2011

Satarday Snapshot - August 13

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.
Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.
 New Bird Feeder ~ New Birds
(click to enlarge)
Downy Woodpecker ?
Gold Finches
House Finch ?
Uninvited Guest
(don't you just hate unexpected company?)


  1. Haha your 'uninvited guest' made me laugh! What a great assortment of colorful birds at your feeder :)

  2. I would love to put out a bird feeder, but I think my cats would think it's a breakfast buffet. Great colorful pictures.

  3. Great photos of your uninvited guests.

    I sat in my garden a few weeks back and there were several diff birds but could not get a pic of them.


  4. So much color - you've had quite a show at your feeder.

  5. Love this post, Diane. I was looking at each pic and thinking - fun! And then I came to the last pic and laughed out loud :D

  6. What a wonderful variety of colors! I had thought that different food attracted different colors of birds, but it doesn't look like it in this case!

  7. Very nice, you got some good clear shots. Good ID on the birds too. That's a male Downy Woodpecker, females don't have the red patch on the head and the House Finch is a male too, females are all brown.

    By the expression on that squirrel's face I can tell he is thinking of ways to get into your feeder... I've seen that look before!

  8. I'm chuckling still at the sight of the "uninvited guest."

    Thanks for sharing the photos....


  9. I love the variety of life in your backyard! The colors are just wonderful! Also, that squirrel needs to find another hangout, I think.

  10. I love watching the birds at our feeder. What a beautiful variety you have. I can never get close enough to get pics. These are wonderful.

  11. I love that last one - so funny!

  12. Lovely bird photos! I love the little house finches that stop by my feeder. I wish some woodpeckers would stop by too!

  13. Great pictures! You've had some nice visitors to your feeders. Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  14. 'Hmm. What's this I'm missing?' this visitor seems to be thinking.
    Lovely post.

  15. Hi!
    Great snapshots! We have lots of those uninvited guests. They are comical trying to get into the bird feeders. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  16. I like the uninvited guest! Nice collection of photos.

  17. Great pictures! And I love the addition of the "uninvited guest."

    Here's my snapshot:

  18. I love squirrels! We have a lot of black squirrels around my area and I love feeding them.

    Here's my S.S.

  19. Beautiful shots of those birds.
    We've had bird feeders in such a place that the squirrels got a good feast. Finally wisened up and moved it.

  20. that uninvited guest is nothing but a rat with a fluffy tale! thieves! ;-)

  21. Awesome bird shots and I love the look on the squirrel's face as he's checking it all out! They are sneaky little devils, aren't they!

  22. Sorry, I'm with Lisa!!! I enjoy the squirrels waaaay more than I enjoy birds! Don't get me wrong, I love birds too...but I am totally "nutty" about squirrels!

  23. *chuckles* Mr.Squirrel looks on. I guess he's trying to figure if he can get some too. :D Nice collection of photos.

  24. What a wonderful assortment you are attracting with the new feeder! I love seeing squirrel

  25. Squirrels! Yuck, they are the bane of our existence down here. They run across the pool cage and just drive me nuts! Putting out mothballs will deter them for a while but then the stinkers are back.

    Your gold finches are gorgeous.

  26. Love this post; it reminded me of growing up. We had a woods in the back of our house, and there were days when my mom thought she was going to loose her mind because the woodpeckers were going at it non-stop.
    Our "univited guests" to our bird feeder (which was a large piece of suet that my mom would hang from a tree) were the big black crows that scared all the other birds away :(

  27. Enjoyed looking at the photographs! I love squirrels!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  28. Those are such colorful birds! Daggone squirrels, they always push their way into any party! :)

  29. Wow! Lovely pics. You have got great talent :)

  30. Great photos! I love all the different birds. The "uninvited guests" always show up at the bird feeders!

  31. Those uninvited guests always seem to know when you're throwing a party!!! Love the woodpecker! One of my favorite birds...I have 3 right now that are all over the trees in our side yard. They crack me up!

  32. Love your bird feeder! I want to get one and have been meaning to all summer but just haven't gotten around to it.

  33. AHhhhh - great pics.... even the squirrel :)

  34. I'm finally finding time to catch up with everyone. I have found a routine... of sorts.

    Love the photo's this week!

  35. I love birds. Your woodpecker looks a little ruffled. Sort of like me when I first wake up. :) I like the squirrels too, and I like watching my husband's battles trying to keep the squirrels away from the bird feeder. The squirrel always wins and I laugh.

  36. We get many of the same birds (and uninvited guests) as you ... I think your IDs are right on the money.

  37. That is one busy feeder! I love thise uninvited guests. As long as they're polite.

  38. Each time I see those yellow finches I'm struck by their bright color.

    It's the chipmunks that are most uninvited around here - they're a nuisance!


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