Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday Snapshots - Shades of Brown

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.
Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.
This Week's Theme.....
Shades of Brown
Libby - age 14
Once an indoor/outdoor cat and a terrific hunter, for the last (3) years she's been indoor only and still love to stalk mice (furry ones that smell like catnip - Very spry for her age. She does have (2) different color eyes since about the age of about (8), but it doesn't affect her vision. The vet says that sometimes happen with calico cats (something about the pigment).

Not sure of age, but I'm guessing young ~ he was pretty fearless and tiny.
My SIL's Dog - Mica
(he's about 3 and a puppy mill rescue from GA - very sweet)


  1. I didn't know cats' eyes could change color. We're convinced our younger tuxedo cat is slowly changing to try to match the older tuxedo cat. He keeps adding white patches that match the older cat. His eyes are still darker though. Maybe that will change too.

  2. What sweet animals. Mica's muzzle looks like velvet!

  3. Wow, the browns in all their glory...fabulous.

    I love calico cats, and that one's eyes are gorgeous. My daughter used to have a calico she named Cleopatra, for her "snooty attitude."

    Mica's brown is wonderful, too.


  4. What cute animals!!!

    Enjoyed looking at the photographs!

    Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

  5. I love all the animal pictures! I also love that your kitty has two different colored eyes! Very cool!

  6. I love Libby! I just want to snuggle her. My sister's cat has one green eye and one blue eye, but he was born that way. He doesn't look as striking as Libby does!

  7. Hi!
    Cute! Cute! and Cute! We have chipmunks in our backyard. They are so fast. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  8. I love pet photos!

    I have a white cat with one blue eye and one green eye, but I did not know that a cat's eye color could change with age. Very interesting!

    Hooray for puppy mill rescues. Mica's a cutie!

  9. I had a cat like that years ago. Lovely pictures.

  10. Wow, a cat with 2 different colors as eye- color. I showed it to my Hubby and he was surprised and happy to see the cat :)
    I just love the Dig... so so cute.

  11. Well, I learned something today. The calico is so pretty and her eyes just add to it. I love the puppy too. I wish all puppy mills would get shut down!

  12. Those little guys are all so cute!

    I have a friend who has different colored eyes, but it's so much a part of her that I don't notice anymore unless I'm thinking about it.

  13. Oh my goodness Diane, what cute little creatures! I didn't know cats could have 2 different color eyes but I don't know why I am surprised because I grew up with a boy who had one brown and one blue.

  14. I didn't know cat eyes could change color. That's really interesting. She looks and sounds like a great cat. Cute picture :-)

  15. You already know I just love nature and animal shots. The eyes are striking on both Libby and Mica. The chipmunks in my yard have been driving me crazy. This one looks like he's taunting you.

  16. Libby is gorgeous, very exotic looking!
    Cute animaks.

  17. Libby is beautiful! I can tell from the photo that she has a great, vibrant personality! I love that she stalks fluffy ctnip mice...when she was an outdoor cat did sahe ever brings the "gift" of a dead mouse?!

    Mica is beautiful. It's wonderful that's a rescue, I'm so glad your sister adopted Mica. Do you know what kind/breed of dog Mica is?

  18. Mica is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They were bred as companion dogs to royalty long ago. Pretty docile, and just loves be be with their master and/or part a family.

    Libby, when she was indoor/outdoor left birds, chipmunks,mice, moles, a rat, and snakes at our door step (sadly). I am glad she is just indoors. On a good day we would have 2-3 different gifts from her LOL

  19. I didn't know that about cats' eyes. Interesting. Great photos! Thanks for sharing.

  20. These photos made my day ... such precious furbabies.

    Happy weekend, Diane!

  21. Libby is adorable! So is Mica! Oh, okay little squirrel, you're cute too. =O)

  22. So sweet and appealing. I enjoyed your choice of subjects.

  23. Intriguing that the Calico cat has different eye color. :D It looks like she's wearing a patch. Hehee. squirrel day. ☺

  24. My last cat had different color eyes (she was a white Persian, so it was very striking). And the puppy has such lovely coloring! Good pics!

    Here's my Snapshot!

  25. Diane, Libby is gorgeous. I just love her coloring and her eyes. Mica is beautiful as well. I'm glad Mica was rescued from the puppy mill and given a good home.

  26. Wow, I've never seen a cat with 2 different color eyes like that. Gorgeous cat, btw! Beautiful close up shots, too.

  27. Libby is so pretty with her different color eyes!

  28. your puppy is so beautiful. That pic is perfect :)

  29. what eyes are they-curious, sad and alert.

  30. Very cute animals! Libby's eyes are truly arresting! My cat loves to bring lizards in but thankfully no mice or other animals yet.


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