Friday, April 5, 2013

The Giants House; Elizabeth McCracken

Title: The Giant's House: A Romance
Author: Elizabeth McCracken
Publication Year:  1997
Publisher: Avon
Edition: print
Source: my shelves

Setting: Brewsterville, MA (Cape Cod) 
Date Completed: April - 2013
Rating: 3.5/5 
Recommend: yes

Set in the 1950s, but told some 25 years later, The Giant's House is an unusual story.  Peggy Cort, the narrator, is the stereotypical small town librarian. Single, lonely, set in her ways. She prefers order and structure in her life over the possibility of real happiness that a relationship has to offer.

Peggy tells the story of the time when she first met James Carlson Sweatt, He walked into the library one day when he was just 11 years-old. He was 6'2" tall and still growing. Peggy found his interest in learning fascinating, for someone so young. She was always anxious to help him find books on the topics that interested him.  It isn't until later when he grows bigger and bigger that she learns that he has an illness that will eventually kill him, because he will never stop growing.

Peggy then becomes somewhat obsessed with James. She uses sneaky means to find out where he lives and find out what his home situation is,  She visits him when he is hospitalized, and when his mother dies, she is there to comfort him, visiting him at the home of his aunt and uncle where he lives.  This goes on for some 10 years.

Why does Peggy take such a special interest in James and begin to fall in love with someone so ill, someone who is16 years younger than her?  Why does she become possessive and jealous of James, though they can never be more than friends? Is it because she knows he will die?  It is hard not to feel for James and his situation in this book. Teased and tormented by other children in school, his mother's death and his illness that prevented him from a normal childhood and young adulthood.

Peggy on the other hand was an unsympathetic character in my eyes.  I saw her as almost a coward, even though she really cared for James.  She was never willing to chances in life and put herself out there, for the fear of possible rejection and disappointment.

It certainly is an unusual story and the ending was most unexpected, but I have to say that I am happy I finally read it. It's a book that has been on my shelves for over 10 years. If you are looking for a different type of story you might like to try this one.


  1. I'm hoping to tackle my TBR shelves this summer...this one does sound interesting.

  2. First, I love the cover. I wonder if Peggy would drive me nuts.

  3. I also love the cover, but it sounds like the characters are a little too "out there" for me!

  4. I have books that have been on my shelves for a long time that I really should read! Nice choice!

  5. I've pinned this post. I definitely want to read the Giant's House!

  6. The story and the cover appeal to me a lot - sorry you didn't love it more.

  7. Hrm -- not sure it is quite my taste -- but the premise is darkly interesting...

  8. It must feel great to have read this one after 10 years! Wow! I enjoyed your review, Diane.

  9. This has been hovering at the edge of my wish list for ages.. not sure if I'll ever get to it.

  10. It sounds like a very interesting book Diane, thanks for the great review.

  11. We it does sound interesting and those shoes are whoppers!

  12. I'm so glad that you finally read a book that sat on your shelves for 10 years! Better yet, you enjoyed it!!!

  13. I love the cover of this one. It sounds like a compelling story, and it sounds like the lead may just be a bit parasitic.

  14. I have heard good things about this book on and off over the years. It sounds like a good story.

    Thanks for the review!


    Book By Book


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