Wednesday, December 30, 2015

At the Movies

We saw (2) new movies this week, one was somewhat disappointing the other one fantastic.

What attracted me to this movie Joy, was the cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro and Bradley Cooper (Cooper plays a small part).  As many of you know, these (3) are the same stars of Silver Linings Playbook, an all-time favorite of mine.  Unfortunately, I had no idea what this movie was about and the previews we saw on television were misleading IMO.  I went in expecting some humor, but there was none to be found.  In retrospect, I wish I knew this was about a woman who developed the first self-wringing mop in the 1990.

The first part of the movie is all over the place with Jennifer Lawrence, who plays Joy Mangano, as a young divorced mom of (2) young children and her dysfunctional family and living situation.  With her Gram, Mimi, always telling her she was destined for greatness, she comes up with the idea of a wringless mop. Cooper plays a HSN (Home Shopping Network) executive whom she convinces to promote her product on air.

The acting was good but, the story just felt very disjointed. - Disappointing!

In Concussion, another movie based on a true story, Will Smith, another favorite actor, plays Dr. Bennet Omalu, a brilliant, Nigerian born, forensic neuropathologist, who discovers CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy), which is related to football related brain trauma.  His discovery pits him against the NFL who does everything possible to dispel these findings. Sadly, the good doctor, who wants to do the right thing,  is never really given an opportunity to forcefully get his point across.

The acting and story line was very good and the personal stories depicting ex-pro NFL players whose lives were ruined by CTE is hard to watch at times.  Terrific Story!

Hoping to see The Danish Girl if my husband is onboard.

Have you seen any new movies lately?


  1. A friend and I have contemplated seeing Joy but, after reading what you thought, I think I'll suggest another movie.

    1. You might enjoy it, but read the synopsis first. I was expecting funny when I went it without a clue.

  2. So sorry to hear Joy was disappointing - I have heard other mixed reviews, but I love Jennifer Lawrence so much I am willing to forgive a lot!

    1. I love her too and she did a great job, Just not the best movie.

  3. I was curious about Joy because of the cast but the previews never exactly told me what it was about! I think I'll wait for it to come out on HBO or Netflix. I heard an interview about Concussion and it sounded fascinating. I'm glad to hear it didn't disappoint! We've been watching lots of movies this Christmas though all at home. We got through the 3 James Bond movies with Daniel Craig and I think we're going to try The Kingsmen tonight.

  4. I thought the previews made Joy look really good...but I was a little skeptical. Thanks for sharing your thoughts...I will likely save my money on this one :)

  5. We only get to watch movies on the TV since cellphones and talking is always going on in the theaters here.

    1. Too bad. We got during the day when there aren't any kids LOL

  6. Maybe I was just in the mood for Joy...or had no expectations at all, except that I knew I loved Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper...but my experience was different from yours. I loved it.

    That's how it goes, though, right?

    1. I'm glad u liked it Laurel. I do lover Jen Lawrence and Cooper and Dinero.

  7. Thanks for the heads up on Joy. I am very curious about the Danish Girl.

    1. My husband didn't want to see Danish Girl so I'll wait for it to be on tv afterall.

  8. I saw Pan,with my grands, loved it. Rooney Mara's Tiger Lily,amazing. Watched Train Wreck with my daughters. Too funny, heart breaking, too. But do not watch this movie with any grands in the vicinity. Or anyone with a heart condition. Or anyone who is against nudity and that sort of language...

  9. I am interested in both of the movies you reviewed. Tonight we plan to see Star Wars.

    1. Hope you enjoy it. I am embarrassed to say I have never watched an entire Star Wars episode or movie LOL

  10. I saw Joy this week as well. What an odd film... it was like they'd gone for a magic realism angle but I'm not sure that Dynasty meets dirty floors really worked!

  11. We don't go to the theater anymore. My DH thinks it is a waste of good money. So expensive! I hope to be able to entice him to see Star Wars (as soon as the crowds thin) we have a gift he shouldn't have that objections.

    1. We usually go to the first show (no kids generally) and it's only $5.75 pp

  12. My husband and I enjoyed Spy, a comedic thriller starring Melissa McCarthy and Jude Law. We also like The Martian.

    1. I do like Melissa McCarthy. Have you seen ST. Vincent? She and Bill Murray are in it and it's excellent. Have seen it 4 times already.

  13. I heard a story on NPR about Joy, so I knew the subject and thought it was kind of a strange subject for a movie. Good to know ahead of time that it wasn't humorous.
    I hadn't planned to see Concussion, I figured it might be preachy and I wondered if it would have new information in it. Maybe you'll change my mind.
    I did see the new Star Wars movie with my boys. I hadn't seen any of the movies since the original in the 70s. I still enjoyed this one.

  14. I love anything Will Smith is in. Loved The Pursuit of Happiness.

  15. Hm. I was prepared to see Joy, but like you, had no idea what it was about. Not sure that even Jennifer Lawrence can make that one more appealing for me now!


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