Sunday, December 27, 2015

Favorite Reads for 2015

Another year is nearly over and as I look back over what I've read this year, I kind of surprised myself.  This year I read 114 books but, that was nearly (30) fewer books than 2014. I guess I really am busier in retirement than when I was working full time.  Did any of these books make your list of favorite reads?

Favorite Reads for 2015

A Little Life
it was amazing
When I first decided to read this book, I thought that the cover image was a terrible choice, however, after finishing this 700+ pp book over the course of a few weeks, I now think the image is perfect. It so accurately depicts the emot...
it was amazing
Aquarium is an addictive read that hooked me early on, shocked me as the story progressed and made me wonder whether emotionally wounded individuals can ever truly heal. The story opens in 1990's Seattle, where 12-year-old Caitlin live...
The Beautiful Bureaucrat
it was amazing
When I saw that readers who enjoy Murakami and Atwood would likely enjoy this book, I knew I had to give it a try. It's a great choice for book groups with plenty to discuss. After being out of work for way too long Joseph and Josephine...
Ghostly: A Collection of Ghost Stories
it was amazing
Ghostly, was a pleasant surprise, an awesome collection of short ghost stories. Each story can be completed in a short sitting, preferably by a nice warm fire or glowing candle with something warm to drink. Each story begins with a sma...
it was amazing
Just who is Eileen? In a town only referred to as X-ville in Massachusetts lived 24 year old Eileen Dunlop. Some might see her simply as a lonely young woman with low self esteem who cares for her alcoholic ex-cop father. To me, Eileen w...
What I Remember Most
it was amazing
What I Remember Most was a terrific story and one that kept me wondering as I eagerly turned each page. Part mystery, part contemporary fiction, the only thing that the reader knows for sure is that the protagonist, Grenadine Scotch Wild...
Our Souls at Night
it was amazing
I loved this audiobook narrated by Mark Bramhall. The story left me feeling a bit sad, and with a thought that I often ask myself these days -- "Why can't people just live and let live?" The story is a pretty simple one and involves two...
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
it was amazing
It took me a while to write this review because it covered so much important information, I wasn't sure possibly write a review that would it all the credit it deserved, as I'm sure I will have glossed over lots of important information....
This Is Your Life, Harriet Chance!
it was amazing
This is Your Life, Harriet Chance is a wonderful story told through the POV of Harriet, a 78 year old widow who had been married for 55 years. After her husband Bernard passes away, Harriet learns he had planned an Alaskan cruise for ...
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory
it was amazing
While many people choose not to think about death and dying, 20-something author Caitlin Doughty was obsessed by it at an early age. At the age of eight she performed a ritual the she believed would help keep death at bay. After growing ...


  1. Diane, I like your list. Your suggestions always make my must-read list for next year.

  2. A Little Life and The Beautiful Bureaucrat made my list too! And I remember marking Eileen around BEA time, then kind of forgot about it. Maybe I should revisit it...

  3. That really is a most impressive list! We always value your recommendations!

  4. I haven't made my list yet but have only read two of those books. I loved both of them. By the way, I got an Audible subscription for Christmas and am now listening to Troublemaker.

  5. Being Mortal and Our Souls at Night will be two of my favorites, but I wasn't as wild about Aquarium. Must read Harriet Chance. I always look forward to your list, Diane!

  6. Yes yes yes to A Little LIfe! My list will be long this year, so many great books.

  7. The Haruf book was on my 2015 favorites list as well. He will be missed.

    1. Oh good Mary. I still think about that one and how mad I was at the son.

  8. I have not read any of your favorites for 2015, but like Margot, they are going on my list for 2016. Thanks!

  9. I have "A Little Life" waiting in my Kobo account...I think I have to be emotionally ready for it first!

  10. I was really hoping someone would get me Audrey Niffenegger's book for Christmas, but no such luck. I think it was because of you it ended up on my wish list. :-) It may be one I spend my gift card on. I have gone back and forth about reading A Little Life, but so many people have said they love it. I probably will read it at some point.

    This is a great list, Diane!

    1. Wendy, Ghostly, would be worth purchasing. I hope you try A Little Life sometime as well.

  11. Diane, I haven't read any of the books on your list. A Little Life really appeals to me. Have a terrific week!

  12. You had a great year, in spite of reading less than last year! I don't even think I read 50 books (still need to sit down and do my year-end review).

    I, too, loved Our Souls at Night. Such a good book and I'm so sad he is no longer with us. I need to re-read Plainsong and Eventide. Those were my favorites before Our Souls at Night.

    Being Mortal was also a great book and one that is so important. Might have to give it another reading in a few years.

    This is Your Life, Harriet Chance is high on my list for 2016. It sounds like my cuppa tea!

  13. I am enjoying Ghostly too--I took a break from reading it to do some Xmas-themed reading, but plan to finish it shortly.

    You have some great looking books on your list that I hope to get to in 2015, although I don't think A Little Life will be one of them. It really just doesn't appeal to me, though it could be just the cover!

  14. Well, I haven't read any of those but will make every attempt to get to Harriet Chance since you were so kind to send it to me :) I've heard nothing but good things about A Little Life!

  15. Great list of books. Some of these are on my TBR list but I did read Being Mortal which was a fabulous book. Really happy to have finally read that.

  16. I haven't read any of these! I need to make sure their all on my wish list and at the top!


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