Tuesday, December 1, 2015

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - A Place We Knew Well; Susan Carol McCarthy

Every Tuesday I host First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where I share the first paragraph sometimes two from a book I am reading or thinking about reading soon. 

A Place We Knew Well; Susan Carol McCarthy
Bantam Books - 2015

10:47 a.m. , Wednesday March 11, 2009

"AS I WHEEL RIGHT INTO DAD'S DRIVEWAY, A SIX-FOOT CHAIN-link fence jumps up out of nowhere.  I stomp on the brakes. My car heaves to a stop within inches of the padlocked gate.

My hands, shoving the gearshift into park, switching off the ignition, are shaking.  I rest my head against the wheel, my heart skidding inside my chest. Stupid, stupid! I think, only now remembering Clem's phone call two weeks ago. 'DEP recommends it, Charlotte,' Dad's attorney told me, asking my okay for the expense of the fence. 'Plus, it'll secure the property against vandals. Or vintage collectors looking for a five-fingered discount.

But the sight of Dad's station turned ENTRY RESTRICTED fortress, flanked by the tall fence linked with green sight-blocking screens, is still a shock."

What do you think -- keep reading or pass? 
(Feel free to join in this week by posting your intro below?


  1. I read this one recently...it was not a favorite, but it was an interesting look back. Enjoy!

  2. I'm curious. What's DEP? And what is meant by "dad's station?" I'd keep reading to find out what's inside that fence.
    Thank you for hosting.

  3. Doesn't grab me immediately, but I might give it another couple of pages.

    My post lives here if you're interested: http://www.bookpunks.com/begins-still-life-woodpecker-tom-robbins/

  4. I am not a big fan of book beginnings that jump right into the action. I prefer it when a book brings the reader in a bit slower.

    With that, as others have pointed out, there are some things in this opener that pique one's interest.

  5. Can't this one grabs my attention. Hope it turns out to be good.

  6. This didn't grab me, but it does leave me with a few questions that make me want to read a little more.

  7. I read this one earlier this year...I have to say I was pretty disappointed. But, I know some others who enjoyed it.

  8. It sounds okay...I'd have to read more.

  9. This sounds like it could be really interesting. I want to know what happened to the dad and why she's there now! Also loving the Christmas makeover! Thanks for sharing and for hosting :) I hope you have a great week!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  10. It sounds intriguing. I would read a bit more and then decide. Maybe I'll wait for your review!

  11. I'm not sure about this intro, but I'd read on to see if this is one for me. I like your new holiday photo in your header!

  12. Thank goodness the narrator stopped before hitting the gate! I quite this this intro and have been curious about the book. I hope you enjoy it, Diane.

  13. Doesn't look like my style, but the cover is gorgeous, and the intro sure makes me want to know more!

  14. This first person present perspective really grabs me. I feel the emotions of the narrator. I'd keep reading - for sure.

  15. Pretty dramatic opening! I'd keep reading for sure. Cover looks like the 50s. I'm adding this to my list now.

  16. I think I've come across this book before on my travels but I have yet to read it.


  17. I didn't care for the beginning either. It's shocking because I always like the books you choose. Hope you enjoy it.

  18. I'm sure I've seen that opening before - very memorable. Sounds like something that could happen to me, lol.

    Great new header for the holidays!

  19. Sounds like a page turner. I would keep reading. Your header photo is lovely Diane :)

  20. Pulls you right in. I bet it's an exciting read!

  21. I like the beginning and definitely would keep reading.

  22. Dad must have a new wife! I'd read on....


Thanks for taking the time to visit and double thanks for any comments. If you ask a question in your comments, I will try to reply to it here, or by email if your settings allow me to do so. Thanks again for visiting.