Tuesday, September 10, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Escape Room; Megan Goldin

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s) of a book that they are reading or plan to read.

The Escape Room; Megan Goldin
St. Martin's Press - 2019

It was Miguel who called 911 at 4:07A.M. on an icy Sunday morning. The young security guard spoke in an unsteady voice, fear disguised by cocky nonchalance.
Miguel had been an aspiring bodybuilder until he injured his back lifting boxes in a warehouse job and had to take night-shift work guarding a luxury office tower in the final stages of construction. He had a muscular physique, dark hair, and a cleft in his chin.
He was conducting a cursory inspection when a scream rang out. At first, he didn’t hear a thing. Hip-hop music blasted through the oversize headphones he wore as he swept his flashlight across the dark recesses of the lobby.
What do you think? Read more or pass?


  1. I loved this book! I hope you enjoy it, too. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Oh, I'm planning on reading this one before long. Just the cover makes me shiver.

  3. Enjoy!! I'm also planning to read this one. Now that summer is over, I need to make a priority reading stack with this one near the top.

  4. I read this one last month and loved it! Enjoy!

  5. I saw this at the library yesterday, but did not bring it home. Wonder if it will be there when I go back!

  6. Both of my reviewers read this and enjoyed it. I'm hoping to get to it sometime.

  7. I want to know more. Thanks for posting this snippet, Diane!

  8. oh I enjoyed this, though, I did find teeny bits dragged a bit... strangely! The final wrap up was awesome!

    Sorry I am late - here's my Tuesday post. x

  9. Definitely want to read this one! I do love a good thriller!


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