Monday, September 23, 2019

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill; Abbi Waxman

AUTHOR:  Abbi Waxman
PUB. YEAR: 2019
SETTING: Los Angeles, CA
FORMAT: trade softcover/Library
RATING - 4/5

Nina Hill is happy with her life overall. She's the only child of a single mother. She is an introvert who works at a failing independent bookstore, she great at trivia, enjoys her book groups and, she likes her safe predictable life with her cat Phil who she converses with on a regular basis.

When her biological father, who she never really knew, dies, Nina learns that she has quite a few dysfunctional, biological siblings who live close by and want to get to know her.  They have nothing in common with Nina except for the bright red hair.

Bit by bit Nina is taken out of her comfort zone and her predictable life. It happens gradually so she's not overwhelmed. Then there is Tom, a smart, patient and attractive trivia buff who tries to understand Nina and help her through her life stresses.  She gradually lets him into her life and, neither tries to change the other person.

The story is told mostly from Nina's POV but we do see other perspectives along the way. I loved Nina as she was just so entertaining; her sarcasm was so funny as well. I found her story entertaining, heart warming and light enough to breeze through in no time.


  1. This sounds like a nice light book for a sunny weekend.

  2. This was my favorite book I read in August! This year I have been trying to read some lighter reads instead of all just mysteries, thrillers and police procedurals. I loved Nina and I found myself laughing out loud read many times while reading this charming, funny, book.

  3. I'm looking forward to this one too. Good to hear your take on it. Nina sounds like a person I would get along with.

  4. I have this on audio and I'm really looking forward to listening to it. It sounds wonderful and I love this kind of story.

  5. That sounds like a really nice story and Nina sounds cool.

  6. This story sounds really interesting, Diane!

  7. I enjoyed the Waxman book I've read so I'm not surprised you enjoyed this. I look forward to reading it.

  8. I read this one a month not too long ago and thought it was a good, fun read too!

  9. Sounds tempting, especially with a reader on the cover!

  10. This is a fun one, isn't it? A nice, light read that will appeal to book lovers especially.


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