Monday, September 30, 2019

The Escape Room; Megan Goldin

AUTHOR:  Megan Goldin
PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Press
PUB. YEAR: 2019
SETTING: New York City
FORMAT: hardcover/Library
RATING - 4/5

Vincent and colleagues Jules, Sam and Sylvie are ruthless, cut-throat employees of Stanhope, a Wall Street finance company.  The group receives an invitation to compete in a team-building exercise which requires them to work together in order to escape from the locked elevator of high rise building that is still under construction.

The group is given questions and clues that will hopefully help them figure out a means of escape.  However, the longer it takes the more claustrophobic and unhinged each becomes, especially as they soon realize there seems to be a price to pay for their unscrupulous past deeds.

The chapters create reader insight into the backgrounds and dirty deeds of Vincent, Sam, Jules and Sylvie as they try to figure a way out of the locked elevator.  Alternating chapters feature Sara Hall, a newbie analyst at Stanhope.  Unlike the ruthless 4, Sara is an extremely sympathetic character and, it was her story that really hooked me and made this debut novel so enjoyable.

The story starts out with a prologue that lets readers know that something bad has happened. It took me a while to figure out what was going on, but, this is one of those books that was extremely hard to but down once I started it.  I will look for further offerings by this talented author.  Try it!


  1. I met Goldin at Book Expo at an escape room event and have looked forward to this book ever since. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it.

    1. Very cool Kathy. When I worked in a corporate environment, we had to do similar team building games, which, the introvert in me, HATED -- LOL

  2. This book sounds captivating! Excellent, concise review, Diane!

  3. Using an escape room as the basis for a thriller is such a smart idea (and new).

  4. Thanks for the review. Definitely going on my list

  5. I have this one but have been putting off reading it. I find riding in elevators a bit claustrophobic anyway and then if one was locked in? Nope. However, I do want to try this and maybe I could read it outside in the fresh air so I could breathe deeply. Ha!

    1. Get the print edition and you can gloss over the "claustrophobic " paragraph LOL


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