Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Non-Fiction November

I've never joined this challenge even though I tend to read a fair amount of non fiction, but I see Nonfiction November posts popping up all over some of my favorite blogs, so I decided to join in.

Nonfiction November is an annual event, an entire month of bookish topics devoted entirely to nonfiction. The hosts this year are:

Katie at Doing Dewey
Julz at JulzReads
Rennie at What's Nonfiction
Sarah at Sarah’s Book Shelves
Leann of Shelf Aware

Favorite NF of 2019 (thus far)

(my most recommended NF as well)

Do you have a particular topic you’ve been attracted to more this year? 

 I've read (13) NF in 2019, and only disliked one book - (Maid; Stephanie Land). My interest seems to be mostly with memoirs or bios. I do enjoy NF about health, food, animals and occasionally politics.  Here is a list of the NF read in 2019 thus far.
  1. Morningstar: Growing Up With Books; Ann Hood
  2. My Life in a Cat House: True Tales of Love, Laughter and Living With fIve Felines; Gwen Cooper
  3. Nanaville: Adventures in Grandparenting; Anna Quindlen
  4. Dopesick: Doctors & the Drug Companies That Addicted America; Beth Macy
  5. The 31 Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great, and Transform Your World; Ocean Robbins 
  6. What To Eat When; M. Roizen, M.D. & M. Crupain
  7. Mama's Last Hug; Frans de Waal
  8. Small Fry; Lisa Brennan-Jobs Herstory: 50 Women & Girls Who Shook Up the World; Katherine Halligan
  9. Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay & a Mother's Will to Survive; Stephanie Land
  10. A Bite in the Apple; Chrisann Brennan 
  11. Kitchen Yarns: Notes on Life, Love and Food; Ann Hood 
  12. I Am Malala; Malala Yousafzai 
  13. Inheritance: a memoir; Dani Shapiro 
Goal for November - 2019

I'm thinking about reading (or listening to):


  1. I read a lot of memoirs too. Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls is on my wish list.

  2. We've read several of the same nonfiction titles this year! Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls is already on my wish list... pretty sure your review put it there.

  3. Great list; I hope you enjoy reading more nonfiction this month.

  4. I've read only the AQ, and I sort of liked it.

  5. That's a terrific list, we occasionally read non-fiction here but not as much as we used to.

  6. I love memoirs and lately have been reading more letters. The Demi Moore memoir looks interesting. Hope you have a great month of nonfiction!

  7. Like you, I enjoy memoirs the most. I've read the two Ann Hood books, as well as Quindlen's. Enjoyed all three very well. I highly recommend Becoming by Michelle Obama. It was a favorite of mine this year.

  8. Hi Diane,
    I've been listening to America's Reluctant Prince, a CD loan from the library, which I've been listening to while driving. I'm halfway and I have felt it a worthwhile listening experience. Unfortunately, I have not been driving anywhere much during the past 3-4 weeks, mostly due to Sandy our new dog and home business to attend to. I do think you will enjoy it. I certainly would love to finish it!

  9. Nice list! I'll check out the Tribe of Fatherless Girls.

  10. I hope you enjoy reading nonfiction this November!


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