Tuesday, September 1, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennett

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, now hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews. Each week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book they are reading or that they plan to read soon.

The Vanishing Half; Brit Bennett
Riverhead Books - 2020


"The morning one of the lost twins returned to Mallard, Lou LeBon ran to the diner to break the news, and even now, many years later, everyone remembers the shock of sweaty Lou pushing through the glass doors, chest heaving, neckline darkened with his own effort. The barely awake customers clamored around him, ten or so, although more would lie and say they'd been there too, if only to pretend that once, they'd witnessed something truly exciting.  In that little farm town, nothing surprising ever happened, not since the Vignes twins had disappeared. But that morning in April 1968, on his way to work, Lou spotted Desiree Vignes walking along Partridge Road, carrying a small leather suitcase. She looked exactly the same as when she'd left at sixteen--still light, her skin the color of sand barely wet. Her hipless body reminding him of a branch caught in a strong breeze. She was hurrying, her head bent, and ---Lou paused here, a bit of a showman---she was holding the hand of a girl seven or eight, and as black as tar."

I've been waiting since June for this one and finally my it's my turn from the library.  I'm really enjoying this so far.

It's a long first paragraph but, I love the writing. What do you think, read or pass?


  1. Wow, I have this one on my TBR shelf...and now must bring it to my nightstand! Thanks for sharing and reminding me of this treasure so close by.

    Here's mine: “HEART BONES”

    1. Oh my goodness, I started it this morning and am on Part II now; it's very good.

  2. That does sound interesting and it has lots to wonder about in the intro!

  3. I've been wanting to read this one for a while now. Hope you enjoy it.

  4. I like the opening and it holds a lot of promising for an interesting read.

  5. I'm in line at my library for this one. I think I've been waiting since June, too. I have heard lots of good things about this book, and this little sample makes me want to read it even more.

    1. I started it this morning and am on Part II now; it's very good.

  6. I almost turned this into the library without reading it. Oh I am so glad I sat down with it at the last minute. It is so very good. Enjoy!

  7. Sounds like a good one. I'm glad you are enjoying it.

  8. I thought this was a really good book so I look forward to seeing your review.

  9. Hi Diana, I love the conversational tone yes. I would also like this book. Just my cup of tea! Thanks for sharing.

    Elza Reads

  10. Read definitely. A cat amongst the pigeons!

  11. I have read it! I loved it. I will post my review soon, maybe tomorrow. You have a great read ahead of you!

  12. I'm really excited about this one! I have it on audio and it's next up after I finish my current listen. So glad you are enjoying it!

    1. I started the audio but I thought I'd like the print more and it went faster for me.

  13. I’m seeing this book everywhere, I love the cover!

  14. Yes it's good! I'm almost done with the audio of it now. Enjoy.

  15. Glad to see your long wait to get this one is over...me, I'm still stuck somewhere in the middle of my hold list. This one sounds so good, from everything I've heard, that I'm about to break down and spring for the hardcover.

  16. Everyone seems to be reading it but, worth the hype IMO Rita.

  17. I got the eBook download quicker than expected - 2 months while I had the print version on hold 2 mths and still was waiting, so I deleted the hold. Such a good book.


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