Friday, September 11, 2020

Book Review - One By One; Ruth Ware


One By One; Ruth Ware
Gallery/Scout Press - 2020

A company retreat for 5 employees and 5 stockholders of Snoop, a London start up company, is taking place at a luxury chalet in the French Alps. Between meetings, a skiing bonding outing and a surprise twist initiated on whether or not to sell the start up company, havoc has begun.  When an avalanche has left the chalet without power and phone/cell service and one skier has gone missing, later presumed dead, tensions rise, panic sets in and food becomes scarce as well. Suddenly, "one by one," a few more from the group end up dead.  Of the guests and the (2) chalet staff members, there is a killer in the mix.

I've read everything this author has written and, for me, this one was a miss.  Although I liked the snowy remote locale and luxury chalet, cozy fire etc, the atmosphere just wasn't enough. This mystery took me way longer to get through than expected. It was easy to put down and harder to pick up and never really picked up until the last 30% for me. I felt there were too many forgettable, undeveloped characters and, the (2) characters, Liz and Erin, who were more fully explored felt forced at times.  The story is told from the POV of Liz (former employee) and Erin's (chalet hostess). I'm not sorry I tried this one but, overall, I was disappointed. I was able to predict the killer early on as well.

Rating - 3/5


  1. I have only read The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware. Sorry this one didn't work for you. The premise does sound good though.

    Happy weekend!

    Elza Reads

  2. I wonder if she is writing too many books, too quickly.

  3. Ware has been an up and down experience for me, but I did like this one so much more than Turn of the Key. :)

  4. Yeah, this one also sounds a lot like The Hunting Party which is a different author but that theme is very popular this year. Isolation, a gathering, something happens. A formula that works for many but how many books can you read with the same plot? I have a review copy so when I read it I will tell ya how I feel about it.

    1. I couldn't agree more! I have a copy of The Hunting Party but, hesitant now LOL

  5. Too bad, it sounds like a great storyline.

  6. I'm about 75% through this book right now - my opinion is still in flux right now. As Ti says above though, it has reminded me of The Hunting Party, but I knew it would going in. I think most authors are pressured to write a book a year these days or most are. I was not as big a fan of The Turn of the Key, but I do still like her books. Her first is probably going to remain my favorite. I should be finished with this one by tomorrow. I'll share my thoughts on it next week.

  7. I really enjoyed this one but this was my first Ware so I can’t compare against the others.

    Even though the premise isn’t very original I think I was sucked in by the setting. Just before I read this I read The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse which is also set in a desolate wintry setting with a murderer on the loose, I prefer it over One by One.

  8. Hi Diane,
    I'm so glad you posted your thoughts about this one, and I must say frankly that Ruth Ware's books always disappoint me. To my view, I really don't think she's a good and certainly not a great writer. So glad to know your thoughts, because the setting did sound appealing, but when it is not enough, it's just not.

  9. Too bad. The ski chalet locale sounded good to me. But you're the expert on Ware so I think I will skip. Just too similar to other plots as they all start disappearing etc.

  10. I've only read one short story by Ware, no novels, but this one doesn't appeal to me in the least based on that plot. I've read very mixed reviews of this one, with most of them being on the negative side. Ware has become such a big-name author that surprises me a little.

  11. I just posted a Ruth Ware review (The Death of Mrs Westaway). Too bad this one wasn't as good.

  12. I read and absolutely adored her first 2 books but was meh on #3 and never got very far in #4. It sounds like this is another one I should skip. Too bad!

  13. I'm sorry this wasn't a good read for you. I've only enjoyed one of Ruth Ware's books and I'm not tempted to read this one.


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