Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sunday Update - Week in Review


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz  hosts The Sunday Salon. 

Weather-wise this was a great a great mix of cooler temps, where we had to turn the heat on briefly to get the 63 degree chill out of the house (2) mornings. That was short-lived though as the last 3 days temps have ranged from 72-80 degrees and, the whole week has been sunny.

We went for a few drives to a couple of apple orchards and with my sore knee and the hubs sore back we opted to just buy (not pick) the apples. It's no longer fun to step in smooshed apples and risk falling LOL I've been baking apples and making crisps and boy the house sure smells delightful.

This week our book group met Wednesday outdoors in the park on a lovely, breezy 75 degree day to discuss Unsheltered, Barbara Kingsolver. I read it in 2018, you can find my review HERE. Everyone liked it to some degree except 1 person. Next month is our last meeting for 2020 and we want to try to meet in the park again even if it means heavy sweaters/jackets. Our book is Two-Family House which I loved and have also read when it first came out in 2016 LOL

School is going well for the (3) granddaughters (1) in person classes and the sisters at home remote. The 6 year old was sad as there was no classes on Sat and Sunday (LOL) , although, I'm sure mom had a different feeling about the weekend.

I didn't do a Sunday post last week but, we took a trip to the Berkshire Botanical Gardens on another glorious sunny fall day the week before.  
I'd like to return again in summer when other types of plants are in bloom.  Here are some pics, some of which have been posted on Instagram. The topiaries are part of The Martha Stewart Cottage Gardens on the grounds.

NOTE: Blogger was not cooperating as I tired to post these pictures. A most frustrating experience -- sorry for the randomness here.

My reading has been up and down but I did manage to read/finish (2) books this week and start (2) more.

Finished: Ghosts of Harvard (so so) and The Yellow Bird Sings; Jenifer Rosner (review coming soon - I liked it). I started: Hieroglyphics; Jill McCorkle (print) and The Death of Vivek Oji A. Emezi (audio). I am enjoying both a lot.

Lastly, I didn't have it in me to write about about anything sad today but, I just wanted to post something about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I find it heartbreaking to think about all that she has done for equal rights for all can so easily be reversed.  (Do we really want to go back 50 years?)

(and thank you)


  1. Those photos really are pretty and I'm glad you two got to enjoy an out n' about!

  2. I love Botantical Gardens. I visited the one in my town in the late spring. I went specifically to the native section because I was trying to determine what to plant in my garden.

  3. What a great idea to meet in the park for your club discussion. We met in a member's driveway earlier this month, and we talked about where to meet in October. I will suggest the park.

    Houston has just opened its first botanical gardens. We'd planned to visit when we first heard about it, but that has gotten lost in all the chaos connected with the pandemic. I think I will see what my husband thinks about it.

    Oh, Blogger!

    I can't really talk about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It makes me feel too sad. Such an inspiring person.

  4. Happy to see that you and yours have adjusted so well to our rather limited lifestyles, Diane. This is going to take a while, so we have to make the best of it or go stir-crazy.

    Blogger has been driving me nuts for a couple of weeks. I write my posts in Word and copy them over to the blogger software for formatting. Now, every time I paste to Blogger, the software treats it like a photo and does not allow editing. I then have to switch over to the HTML view and paste it there. Then, I have to return to the Compose view and edit the thing, adding pictures, etc. But the pictures that I add mess up the formatting and can't be inserted where I want them anymore. I don't understand what's up with those guys and why they just can't leave well-enough alone when it works.

  5. Our temps are going to rise a bit this next week, which makes me very happy! We should have sunshine and be in the 70s, which is warm for us. I've never gone apple-picking, but I can imagine the fear of falling on rotten apples! Our book group has met outside (in our large driveway, which gets a lot of afternoon sun) for the past few months, but we're planning to meet inside our large rec center in October. We can fit 12 people and spread out at least 6 feet apart. Of course, we'll have to wear masks, which means we'll have to raise our voices in order to be heard. I can't decide if I prefer Zoom over this, but we'll see how it goes. I've not yet read Two-Family House, but it's on my list. I have a copy of The Yellow Bird Sings (on loan from a neighbor), but know nothing about it. I'm anxious to read your review! I plan to read some books about RBG later this year and next. We lost a true hero!

  6. I know what you mean about everything being undone that RBG has done and stood for. I am just sick about it. Love the photos of your trip to the botanical garden. My Sunday Salon post

  7. We owe a great deal to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and like you, I fear the possibility of going backward. I trimmed some boxwoods yesterday, and as usual made a mess of them. I admire those who can create sculpture of shrubs!

  8. Our heating went on this week, their was frost on the ground this morning which was actually quite pretty though cold!

    Blogger has been a nuisance but mine seems to have reverted to legacy for the moment, I’m suspicious!

    Your pictures are lovely, I’d imagine it’s full of wonderful autumnal colours.

    Have a lovely week!

  9. School was tough this week with three days of rain. To survive in our "pods" we need sunshine! My reading has been a roller coaster. Hoping to finish The Murmur of Bees in the next couple of days. Have a wonderful week!

  10. The botanical garden pictures are beautiful! There is one here that is pretty close that I really want to go visit now that it's getting cooler. Glad school is going so well with the granddaughters. Have a wonderful week!

  11. At least your photographs are coming out, mine are not even getting posted on my blog.

  12. I've done one post with the new Blogger and I just about managed it but it doesn't look like I want it to look so happy I am not. It wouldn't allow me to put one sentence between the two book reviews with pics. What the heck?

    It's much cooler here as well (UK) and we too have had the heating on first thing in the morning. Nice to wake up to a warm house.

  13. We had a couple of cool days and now it's back to summer. Sigh. I hate the new blogger, and I think it's going to finally do me in.

  14. I like the topiary in the Gardens.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  15. The death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg really does seem to sum up 2020 for me. As you said, everything people/women have fought so hard for will all be reversed quickly. Seeing your beautiful photos of the botanic gardens makes me realize we've gotten into a rut of not going anywhere to protect my parents. But, we could go to our Botanic Gardens!

  16. Such beautiful pictures and I'm glad you got to get out and see the gardens. I've not ever picked apples, but I can imagine the lovely smells from your baking. Take care and have a good week!

  17. Your photos are beautiful, but blogger is so frustrating! Glad the school year is off to a good start for your granddaughters. We're in central NY visiting my parents and it feels like summer now, but change should come tomorrow. I'm devastated by the loss of RBG and, while the nominee seems more than qualified, the hypocrisy in this speedy nomination is galling... though not surprising. I haven't been able to concentrate on books this week. Hope that changes soon. Have a good week!

  18. I purely hate the new Blogger. So many things seem harder, not easier. I suppose I will adjust eventually. What else can we do? Your photos are lovely and look fine, at least on my desktop version. Have a wonderful week.

  19. I think my club's meeting this October will be in-person and outside. We have been doing Zoom which honestly, is fine with me. But the social aspect is missed and the food and wine aspect is really missed but if we do meet, we would have to bring our own snacks and I still have two who don't want to wear a mask.

    Oh, and it's 104 here this week so although it's technically fall, it sure doesn't feel like it.

  20. Beautiful gardens! Hope school is still going well for the granddaughters.


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