Thursday, October 29, 2020

Book Review - Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness & Community; Born This Way Foundation Reporters with Lady Gaga


Born This Way Foundation Reporters with Lady Gaga
Feiwel & Friends - 2020

Let's face it, the last year has not been a good one for any of us has it? After all the terrible stories out there in the news, I knew I could use a few stories about unexpected kind deeds done for people who needed a sign of hope, a sign that someone cared about them.

The Born This Way Foundation was founded by Lady Gaga and her mother Cynthia Germanotta in an effort to support those who are struggling in this world. The hope is to spread more kindness in a world  that needs this more than ever before. 

This is not a book about Lady Gaga but, I did find her particular story eye opening. I did not know that she was bullied and humiliated during her school years beginning at age 11. She has dealt with depression, anorexia, bulimia, anxiety and even cutting issues as a way to deal with stressful situations she encountered continuing into her 30s.

There are over 50 very short stories of individuals who have faced life changing challenges and have found their voice and the courage to tell their story about how an unexpected random act of kindness made such a big difference in their lives. Some individuals have faced bullying, mental health issues, sexual assault, LBGTQ discrimination and other life altering adverse situations. This book is considered a YA genre and although some of the stories are sad, they are important and also uplifting as well. This is a book to be read in small doses, absorbed and not binge read.  The message, help change someone's life, improve your community, help change the world by one small unexpected kind deed at a time. I'm so happy I came across this one.

Rating - 5/5 stars


  1. Sounds delightful, our world definitely needs more kindness. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

  2. Thanks for your review. I had heard of this book and you've made me want to check it out.

  3. What a lovely idea for an uplifting book. We certainly need all the uplift we can get these days.

  4. Such an interesting post. I didn't know about Gaga's foundation. I think it's amazing. Being reach and famous doesn't make you a good person this is why when a famous personality is actually a good and caring person you can see it by how they spend their money and their time. HappyHalloween 👻🎃💀

  5. I could really use an uplifting read; I'm going to add this to my TBR list. Thank you

  6. This sounds like it might be a good book to give to a few people on my Christmas list this year. Thanks for the recommendation!

  7. We all need to see more kindness, more community, more hope. Thanks for this review!

  8. Interesting...didn't know any of that about Gaga. I can't imagine reading more of a few of the stories at a setting, but the overall message sounds very positive.

  9. I know a few people who need this. Thanks for sharing.


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