Thursday, February 4, 2021

Book Review - We Run the Tides, Vendela Vida


TITLE/AUTHORWe Run the TidesVendela Vida



GENRE: Fiction 

FORMAT:  eGalley PP/LENGTH: 268 pp.

SOURCE: Edelweiss (sent to me in exchange for my unbiased review)

SETTING(s): California

ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY:  Girls will be girls, in this coming of age story set in 1984 San Francisco.

BRIEF REVIEW:  It's 1984 in the oceanside town of Sea Cliff, with beautiful views of the Golden Gate bridge. It's the place where 13 year old Eulabee lives with her parents. She and her best friend, Maria Fabiola, a larger than life character, with that magnetic personality pal around along with other friends Faith and Julia.  The girls are in the eighth grade at a private all-girls school. Separately the girls are good students and good daughters but, when they get together, they resort to telling half-truths to parents and teachers and are involved in typical teenage antics.

One day there is an incident with a stranger, a man in a white car and, a difference of opinion as to what transpired on that day, causes Eulabee to be rejected by the other girls.  It is around the same time that there is speculation that a kidnapper might be targeting young teens when one of the girls disappears and someone else has seemed to vanish as well.

Part mystery, part coming of age story, this was a story that moved along at a nice pace.  I tend to enjoy coming of age stories and this one added a bit of nostalgia, bringing back memories of myself and my friends around that age - boys, music, "Sun In" sprayed to lighten our hair color and times spent at the beach. No matter where you lived as a teen, this one is sure to make most women flash back to those carefree days of yesterday. I liked that the author ended the book in 2019 with an update on where the girls were now as adults.  In 2009 I read another book by this author which I recall enjoying a lot as well, it was called: Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name.

RATING:  4/5 stars


  1. Oh the Sun In! My cousins and I would fight over our lone supply. Lol. I love the nostalgia this book brings. Grew up in that era. :)

    1. LOL - Love how it turned my dark brunette hair an orange tinge LOL - lemon juice worked better.

  2. This one sounds great. Love the time period and setting too. What a name, Eulabee.

    1. Oh yes, you would have been closer to their age in 1984. It was quick and fun - you still might be able to get the download as it releases on Tuesday.

    2. One funny thing I forgot to mention in my review was there were references to Diane Feinstein's great calves - guess she was governor back in the day. LOL

  3. I have just started hearing about this one. Thanks for your review.

    1. One funny thing I forgot to mention in my review was there were references to Diane Feinstein's great calves - guess she was governor back in the day. LOL

  4. Rita, I always tanned easily but, in teens used baby oil and iodine on skin LOL - The dermatologist says "oh yes, I see you were a tanner." Sorry I never listened to my mother back then. Haven't tanned since late 40s though.

  5. I grew up in San Diego in the 70s, so this sounds like something I might enjoy. It also brings to mind Joyce Maynard's novel "After Her," which I read a few years ago.

    1. After Her was a good one. One funny thing I forgot to mention in my review was there were references to Diane Feinstein's great calves - guess she was governor back in the day. LOL

  6. This sounds like a great coming of age story. I have it on my Kindle and am looking forward to it.

  7. That sounds very interesting. Folks we know in San Fran would like it to be the way it was in 1984.

  8. Love the sound of this one! :)

  9. I, too, enjoy coming of age stories and this one does sound interesting.

  10. I like a mystery with a coming of age character! I'll look for this one.

  11. Sun in! I'd forgotten all about using it and lemon juice to try to lighten our hair in the summer. Of course, I was a swimmer so add in the chlorine and you've got brittle hair.


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