Tuesday, November 2, 2021

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Burntcoat; Sarah Hall

Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon.

Burntcoat; Sarah Hall
Custom House - 11/2/2021

Begin Reading

Those who tell stories survive.

My mother said this to me when I was a child. after she'd gone missing for several hours.  I was convinced she was dead and that I'd been left alone in the cottage on the moors.  When she arrived home, soaked and coatless in the dark, she didn't understand why I was crying.  She'd been out walking and had lost track of time.

What would I do alone, I shouted at her.  I can't look after myself.

It wasn't true, of course--I could make a fire and use the oven; by the age of ten I could drive her car.  I was ready for her to disappear.

What do you think - read more of pass?  This intro is based on my eGalley copy which I received via Edelweiss and Custom House.


  1. Wow, this one sounds really good! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. I loved that intro and will hope to start the book this weekend.

  2. Great excerpt! It definitely has my interest.

  3. That is quite an opening--I'm adding this book to my reading list.

    1. It has received some great reviews and just officially released today.

  4. I think I'd keep reading because it sounds intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sounds intense! With some psychological issues coming??
    Mine is a thriller set in France:
    If you or your readers are interested, you can request a copy and review it in your own time!

  6. I'm curious enough now to keep turning pages for at least a while long...at least until I learn if/when the mother is going to disappear.

    1. This one was not on my radar but then I read several favorable reviews. Hope to start it this weekend.

  7. Well that's an intriguing opener! Not all books open as well as that...

  8. I like that last sentence particularly. I feel a disappearance is on the cards.

    1. It sure seems that way. I will start it this weekend, I hope.

  9. It is certainly an intense novel. I'm still thinking about it. Another one of those books that stay with you.

  10. I would definitely keep reading based on that!

    1. I still haven't started it Greg because of Crossroads length but, hope to start it this week - seems dystopian.

  11. Oh this sounds good! I can identify with the child a bit. I was always prepared for absolute worse case scenario - still have though less dramatically!

    1. Funny you mentioned that because as a child I was hyper-vigilant as well.

  12. This sounds intense! Yes, I would definitely read more to find out what the child and her. mother are up against. Sounds like a dystopian novel perhaps?

    1. Can you believe I still haven't started this one...so caught up in Crossroads. Dystopian - yes, I think so but, that intro pulled me in.

  13. Yeah the intro sounds intriguing. I'm game for Burntcoat ... and since it's about a pandemic it should be quite interesting how it will compare ... and what the author has to say ...


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