Saturday, July 16, 2022

Book Review Catch Up - Tom Perrotta - Election and Tracy Flick Can't Win

 So this week I was looking for a couple of quick, easy reads and realized that Tom Perrotta, an author I haven't read in over (10) years, had a new book out.  I was curious who Tracy Flick was and then realized that Perrotta had first created Tracy F back in 1998 with his book called Election - which was also a movie.  Since I hadn't read Election, I grabbed a copy from the library and then immediately dove into Tracy Flick Can't Win afterwards - this time on audio. Both were fun reads and although some of the topics are more serious, the stories are written in a satirical, fun kind of way.

Election; Tom Perrotta
Penguin Group -1998 - library loan
(just over 200 pages)

When I sat down to begin Tracy Flick Can't Win, I realized Perrotta wrote about Tracy F some 20+ years earlier, so I immediately looked for Tracy's debut book at my local library.  I then learned that the book Election, was also a movie (1999).

So who is Tracy Flick? In 1993 she was an all around, ambitious high school girl who was determined to do it ALL  At Winwood High School in New Jersey Tracy set her sights on becoming the President.  Mr. M (McAllister), a history teacher and student government advisor holds a grudge against Tracy and convinces Paul Warren, a good looking, smart athletic type to run against Tracy.  What starts out as an exercise in educating young minds about the democratic process turns into something no one was expecting.

This was an easy book to read in one sitting if you are so inclined.  The POVs alternated between the younger students and the adults - which worked really well. Readers who enjoy satire should enjoy this story.

Rating - 3.5/5 stars
Tracy Flick Can't Win; Tom Perrotta
Simon & Schuster Audio - 2022
(6 hours 2 minutes - 6 diff narrators - very fun)
(audio download sent to me by publisher)

In book #2 Tracy Flick, now in her 40s is the Assistant Principal at a NJ high school. She has a 10 year old daughter, a boyfriend and a side business as well.  Things may be finally looking up for Tracy when the principal, Jack Weede, announces he plans to retire.  At the forefront of the school's agenda is The Green Meadow High School Hall of Fame.  Tracy and her male colleagues have differing opinions about who is best individual to be honored.  Once again, the tables seem stacked against Tracy but, is that how it will all play out?

People seem to respect Tracy but, they don't necessarily like her. She is a bit of a loner who feels like she has to do everything if it is to be done right.  Tracy is still a spunky fighter almost 30 years later and I found it hard not to root for Tracy.  The story had lots of salient topics: bullying, gun violence, adultery,  LBGTQ issues and more.  Although there isn't a lot to the overall storyline, the chapters are short, the story fun and satirical and overall, it made for quick entertaining read.  All the flashbacks to high school days and drama of days gone by made the story entertaining  What really gave this story a unique feel was the fact that the audio was narrated by (6) different voices.

Rating - 4/5 stars


  1. I've seen the movie version of Election, but I've never read either book. They do sound like fun reads.

    1. I'll try to catch it at some point but, I always tend to like the book more - exception Stephen King movie - Misery!

  2. I've never read a book by Perrotta that bored me and it sounds like these wouldn't either.

    1. I read (2) of his earlier books and I'm not sure why I had stopped reading his books until now?

  3. These sound fun, but perhaps the movies are a better vehicle for the storyline.

    1. Not sure - I'm usually disappointed with the movie version for some reason. Although I'm not much of a television person.

  4. I've not gotten use to multiple voices doing the narrating, it's like a movie without the pictures.

    1. Sometimes it's great, other times it can be confusing - not in this case though.

  5. Hadnt heard of any of them so you got me curious.

    1. Yes, I didn't even know about Election until I got Tracy Flick Can't Win. Fun reads good enough but not great necessarily.

  6. I've never read anything by Perrotta. These might be fun to try on audio.

  7. Tracy Flick on audio was pretty good - but not outstanding by any means.

  8. Vicki, he isn't an author that I've read on a regular basis either. In fact I think it's been over 10 years before these two.

  9. Both books sound good! I've seen the Election movie, but I didn't realize it was based on a book.

    1. I need to watch the movie - I think it is only 90 minutes or so,

  10. I can't wait to read Tracy Flick Can't Win and should really re-read Election before doing so. The movie is one of my favorites but I remember there were differences between the movie Tracy and the book. Thanks for the great review!

    1. Marie, I really should see the movie Election now - it's rather short from what I gather. I hope you like Tracy Flick can't win.

  11. I have been so confused by this book so I was so glad to see your review. I had no idea the movie was based on a book! This makes so much more sense now. Glad you enjoyed these! They look interesting and entertaining.

    1. I never recall the movie or the book Election until I started wondering who Tracy Flick really was LOL

  12. Wow 6 voices on the audio, quite a few! It sounds fun and I'm glad Tracy Flick is doing these many years later !

    1. I was never a Perrotta fan, I read a few of his early book and skipped many in between but when this crossed my path, it felt fun and lighter so I decided to try once again. The audio was fun.


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