Saturday, July 2, 2022

Book Review - Vacationland - Meg Mitchell Moore

Vacationland; Meg Mitchell Moore
William Morrow - 2022

Vacationland proved to be a delightful summer story which swept me away, once again, to the beautiful state of Maine.

The story begins with a 29 year old woman named Kristine Turner who has boarded a Greyhound bus in PA with a small suitcase, $761 dollars and a letter left for her by her recently deceased mother.  The letter shares some long withheld information and has brought Kristie to Maine.  A quick visit that turns into a what looks like a much more permanent stay in Maine.

Louisa Fitzgerald McLean is an NYU professor on sabbatical who should be working on her book.  Her husband is mostly unavailable and busy working on a new start up company in Brooklyn. So Louise packs up their (3) children ages, 12, 10 and 7 and is off to Maine to stay with her mother and father. Martin, her father, is a well respected retired judge who has Alzheimers.  He is at the stage while he has some good days, he also requires outside help.  These expenses have caused Louisa's mom to rethink how much longer she can keep their summer home and expenses associate with it.

As Kristie begins to settle in to a Maine lifestyle, meets a nice boyfriend who happens to be the caretaker at the Fitzgerald summer home, it is Kristie's life and the secrets of the past that really propel this story in an unexpected way.  This book was so well written, has great characters -- even the young children have interesting stories that are fun to read about.  I enjoyed this book so much that I immediately purchased (2) other books by this new-to-me author.  Highly recommended.  This was a combo audio book download - (read by Stacey Glemboski - very good) from the library and eGalley provided to my by the publisher. Both were so enjoyable.

Rating - 4.5/5 stars


  1. This one really does sound like a winner.

    1. It hit all the right notes for me. Perfect summer choice.

  2. Diane, I'm so glad you really enjoyed this one. I've put it on hold at the library. I have, in the house, her novel The Islanders, which is set on Block Island. But I don't know when I'll get the chance to read it. So many books! Such a happy plight!

    1. Oh, Diane, by the way, which two of her books did you decide to purchase?

    2. I bought the audio of The Arrivals and So Far Away and, I actually had the eBook of The Island (which I forgot about). So I am one happy camper now. I also collect NYRB imprints and Europa Editions and today NYRB had 40% off on line if you bought (5) books plus free shipping so --what could a book lady like me do?? LOL

    3. Gosh--I don't know about those two titles by Moore. I'm so interested to know you collect NYRB imprints (reprints) and Europa editions. So glad you splurged today, and it's a bonus for me because I'll get a chance to hear about all you've been reading.

  3. You've found some really good ones lately and this one sounds right up there.

    1. Yes, and I do love when it turns out great and I wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much.

  4. Yay, another Maine setting! Great review, Diane.

    1. Yes, something about Maine and summer just goes together.

  5. This. was a great review! I also feel like I need to be swept away to Maine right about now!
    New follower here! I really enjoy your blog.

    1. Sara, thanks for stopping by - a book lover and cat lover is always welcomed here LOL

    2. Thank you! Xoxo 😸📚

  6. I hadn't heard about this one until now, but it's earned its way onto my TBR. Now off to see if I can get it from the local library.

    1. She is a popular author and I hadn't tried her until now - quite enjoyable. I found another book in my eBook collection by her called The Islanders (Block Island, RI which has always held a special place in my heart) - looking forward to trying that one soon.

  7. Oh, I do think I want to read this one. I've read a couple of other books by the author - The Arrivals and The Admissions. Seems like I enjoyed both.

    1. Kay, happy to read that you enjoyed (2) books by this author - (The Arrivals was a recent impulse purchase.)

  8. This sounds like a book I need to read ASAP! There go my July reading plans, lol!

  9. I loved The Arrivals (reviewed here), but wasn't as impressed with So Far Away. This new release sounds like one I'd love, so I'll have to get a copy (or maybe the audio...). Great review!

  10. I think you would really enjoy it; such a good story and great characters.

  11. Sounds good to me. I especially like Maine settings in novels. I will look for this one.


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