Tuesday, July 5, 2022

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Hatchet Island; Paul Doiron


Welcome to First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Yvonne @ Socrates Book ReviewsEach week readers post the first paragraph (or 2) of a book we are reading or plan to read soon. 

Hatchet Island; Paul Doiron
Macmillan Audio - 2022


Every night, no mater how many drinks he'd had or joints he'd smoked, he would awake to the screams of birds.  For an instant, he would think he was back on the island.  Then his hand would find the lamp beside the bed and the light would expose the messiness of his dorm room.

The odd thing was he'd never had trouble sleeping on Baker Island, where the chatter of gulls and keening of terns had lasted from dusk to dawn. The night terrors had only started afterward.--once he'd returned to the mainland.  Now insomnia was short-circuiting his central nervous system.

What do you think, read more or pass?  This book is #13 of the Mike Bowditch mystery series however, I have found that it isn't necessary to read them all in order to enjoy them.


  1. I haven't read this series as yet, but I think my husband is caught up on it. I need to tell him about this new book. He may not know about it.

    1. I like what I've read of this series, they do explain about Mike's background as game warden and the whole Maine mystery series is well written.

  2. I'm excited for this book! I've been enjoying the Mike Bowditch series, even though I have been reading them out of order. ;D

    1. Lark, I do think it's a great series to jump in at any point.

  3. That's an intriguing and rather disturbing beginning. It would definitely pull me in.

    1. It is a creepy intro - quite a good story @ the 80% mark.

  4. I'm curious about what the narrator is trying to suppress with substance use. I think it's worth reading on.

    1. I jumped right in and it's hard to put down but, time forces me to sometime LOL

  5. This sounds really good. It's good to know you don't have to read the series in order.

    1. No that is what I like about this series. I avoid new lengthy series - too many other books I want to read.

  6. You can easily skip around Vicki and join at any point. They explain the main character's background well and what he has been up to - great mystery series.

  7. I haven't read or even heard of this series but that beginning definitely caught my interest. Good to know they can be read in any order!


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