Sunday, July 17, 2022

Book Review - Reputation - Sarah Vaughn

Reputation; Sarah Vaughn
Atria/Emily Bestler Books - 2022
(print edition sent to me by publisher)

Emma Webster is a former teacher and now a British politician who has sacrificed a lot along the way.  She has worked hard to build her reputation while others have tried to destroy her.  Emma has a fourteen year old daughter named Flora who has had a tough time in school as a result of bullying and, although mother and daughter have a strained relationship at times, when another teen commits suicide after social media trolling and harassment, Emma is determined to do something about this.  She sets out to work on a new law that will hold individuals responsible for vicious online attacks and exploitation of others accountable for their actions.  When a journalist who has threatened Emma in the past is found dead in her home, things take a dramatic turn.

This was a timely thriller. Told from the POV of multiple narrators, I thought Emma and Flora were both strong characters.  There was a courtroom drama which was a bit too drawn out but, it was important to the story as well.  I loved the way the story played out very happy with the unexpected twist and the overall story line.

RATING - 4/5 stars

(NOTE: a print edition was sent to me by the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review.)


  1. Very timely indeed, sounds well done.

    1. Yes, this is an important topic and one that needs to be taken more seriously.

  2. I love that cover and it seems like an enticing read!

    Elza Reads

    1. Yes, the story was a good one and a topic that is important to showcase as well.

  3. Hmmm...I think I'll watch for this one. Sounds good.

    1. I'll be curious to read your thoughts should you read it Kay.

  4. Nice that there is a twist in the plot to look forward to.

  5. Me too Vicki, love when you didn't see it coming!

  6. I'm not a big fan of courtroom dramas, but overall this sounds like something I'd enjoy.

  7. Diana, I agree, not sure why I don't like courtroom drama in fiction as I LOVE Law and Order LOL

  8. This sounds like a really good and timely premise. I'll have to see if I can get a hold of this one.

    1. It was a good story - loved the ending but, the courtroom seemed to drag a bit/

  9. Such a good premise and so timely. I'm constantly stunned at the things people say from the safety of the keyboard and I can't imagine being a vulnerable adolescent dealing with that.

    1. It is scary the how bold and foolois some can be on the internet. Glad my kids are grown.


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