Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros

Every Tuesday, I'll be posting the opening paragraph (maybe two) of a book I decided to read based on the opening paragraph (s). Feel free to grab the banner and play along.

This week's selection is a Europa Edition by an author I enjoyed previously, Elena Ferrante.

The Days of Abandonment; Elena Ferrante

"One April afternoon, right after lunch, my husband announced that he wanted to leave me.  He did it while we were clearing the table;  the children were quarreling as usual in the next room, the dog was dreaming, growling beside the radiator.  He told me that he was confused, that he was having terrible moments of weariness, of dissatisfaction, perhaps of cowardice.  He talked for a long time about our fifteen years of marriage, about the children, and he admitted he had nothing to reproach with us, neither them nor me,  He was composed, as always, apart from an extravagant gesture of his right hand when he explained to me, with a childish frown, that soft voices, a sort of whispering, were urging him elsewhere.  Then he assumed the blame for everything that was happening and closed the front door carefully behind him, leaving me turned to stone beside the sink."

Would you continue reading this one based on the opening paragraph? (I want to kick him in the butt already...LOL)


  1. This sounds great. I'm having one of those mornings where I'm restless and can't think what direction to go, so I can relate to this novel. (Not that I'd walk out on a marriage for that.) Here's Mine

  2. I'd definitely read on to see ifhe eventually gets his comuppance, lol.

  3. OK, Diane, I'm playing along for the first time this week. Struggling a bit with my read, but hopefully will persevere. I liked yours and yes, it would entice me. LOL

  4. I would totally read this one just based on that paragraph alone. As a matter of fact, that little bit was so interesting that I am adding it to my wish list! Great post today!

  5. I'm with you; I want to kick him in the butt too. Midlife crisis anyone? Tired of the same-old-same-old family life anyone? The wife is left to cope and I'm interested in what she'll do. I'd keep reading.

  6. Oh, my, that one really grabbed me! Into an ordinary day, the husband drops a bomb that will surely upend all their lives. Heart-wrenching.



  7. I don't know about reading it, but I agree he needs a good kick!

  8. I'd definitely want to continue reading! I have a morbid fascination with abandonment, and of course when it's tied to marriage? That makes for a fascinating book. (I'm also thinking of Anne Tyler's Ladder of Years where she doesn't blame anyone, just leaves. A different venue, but the same theme.) I played along, too, but I think your book is the more interesting of the two.

  9. Wow! This book sounds as intriguing as The First Daughter (I've started to read this but had to stop to read a book I have to review...I cannot wait to get back to it!)

    I would definitely keep reading this book. i want to know what happens, what happened, why he's doing this (what a jerk!). Elena Ferrante doesn't shy away from tough subjects and themes, I love that!

    I posted my contribution to today's meme on my blog!
    Amy's First Chapter today!

  10. I'd keep reading because I want to know more. I want to know what his problem really is and I want to know how she copes.

    I have a First Chapter First Paragraph today also. You can find mine here: Quirky Girls Read

  11. Oh yeah, this one most definitely captures my attention!

  12. I'd maybe read it, depending - but yes, kicking him in the butt sounds about right!

    This is my intro:

  13. I want to smack him too and intrigued enough to wonder why he wants to leave.

    Mine is here

  14. Wow! That is quite the teaser-paragraph. It sounds too sad, though.

  15. This totally got my attention. I would need to read on. I can't believe he just up and told her after lunch. But when is a good time tell someone that?

  16. I can't wait to get to this one! I loved The Lost Daughter.

  17. I would continue to read on...I think I would have to hit my husband with a frying pan after all of that!! LOL!! enjoy!

  18. totally ready to kick his butt! am interested in know what the wife does next!

    here's mine

  19. I just got a copy of this book and I can't wait to read it!

  20. I'd read this just to see what the wife ended up doing but honestly, one more unfulfilled, unhappy whiner of a husband - who needs it?

  21. What an attention grabber! I would definately keep reading.

  22. Ha! I agree, Diane! Kick him in the butt and hurry him on out! Life and love are too precious to waste on someone so wishy-washy! But, no, this is not a book I would want to read.

  23. I would keep reading. That's a huge part of how I choose my books. I have to be pulled in by the first paragraph to keep reading. I will join you in this in the weeks to come. I don't know how I missed it!


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